Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > History of art, architecture and design"

Brown, D., Brown, I. and Andersen, V. (2001) Making culture multi-purpose: UK arts funding, policy, planning and value from 1982 - 2000. In: Brown, I. , Andersen, V. and Gordin, V., (eds.) Cultural tourism: the convergence of tourism and culture at the start of the 21st century. St.Petersburgh, Russia : St.Petersburgh State University of Economics and Finance. pp. 54-79.
Corris, Michael (2001) Brain... and after: from conceptual art to conceptual strategies. Book Review of 'Rewriting conceptual art' by Michael Newman and Jon Bird (eds.). Art History, 24(3), pp. 445-449. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Fatsar, Kristof (2001) Albert herceg rezidenciája. A pozsonyi királyi vár és kertjei a 18. század második felében. Müvészettörténeti értesítö, 75(1-2), pp. 125-132.
Fatsar, Kristof (2001) Hungary. In: Shoemaker, Candice, (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Garden and Landscape History I-III. Chicago, USA : Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. pp. 611-615.
Fatsar, Kristof (2001) Petri, Bernhard. In: Shoemaker, Candice, (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Garden and Landscape History I-III. Chicago, USA : Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. pp. 1027-1028.
Lloyd, Fran (2001) Arab women artists: issues of representation and gender in contemporary British visual culture. Visual Culture in Britain, 2(2), pp. 1-15. ISSN (print) 1471-4787
Lloyd, Fran (2001) Introduction: images, disporas and difference. In: Lloyd, Fran, (ed.) Displacement & difference: contemporary Arab visual culture in the diaspora. London, U.K. : Saffron Books. pp. 11-23. ISBN 1872843220
Lloyd, Fran and Roberts, Melanie, eds. (2001) Sex & consumerism: contemporary art in Japan. Brighton, UK : University of Brighton. 128p. ISBN 1901177424
Massey, Anne (2001) Interior design of the 20th century. Revised and expanded ed. London, U.K. : Thames and Hudson. 224p. (World of Art) ISBN 0500203466
Massey, Anne and Schlegel, Amy Ingrid (2001) Life in the U.K.: the creative partnership of Sylvia Sleigh and Lawrence Alloway. In: Schlegel, Amy Ingrid, (ed.) An unnerving romanticism: the art of Syvia Sleigh & Lawrence Alloway. Philadelphia, U.S. : Philadelphia Art Allowance. pp. 14-20.
Massey, Anne (2001) This is tomorrow: exhibition in the Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1956. In: Lichtenstein, Claude and Schregenberger, Thomas, (eds.) As found: the discovery of the ordinary. Baden, Switzerland : Lars Müller Publishers. pp. 176-193. ISBN 3907078438
Rice, Charles (2001) Images at the edge of the built. Architectural Design, 71(3), pp. 24-29. ISSN (print) 0003-8504
Rice, Charles (2001) Seeing whiteness in colour. In: Tercier, John, (ed.) Whiteness. London, U.K. : Lawrence & Wishart. pp. 197-218. (Room 5, (1)) ISBN 9780853159193
Sturken, Marita and Cartwright, Lisa (2001) Practices of looking: an introduction to visual culture. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press. 385p. ISBN 0198742711