Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > History"

Agnew, Eadaoin (2017) Imperial women writers in Victorian India: representing colonial life, 1850-1910. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. 203p. (Palgrave studies in nineteenth-century writing and culture) ISBN 9783319331942
Beck, Peter (2017) Antarctica and the United Nations. In: Dodds, Klaus , Hemmings, Alan D. and Roberts, Peder, (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 255-268. ISBN 9781784717674
Black, Jonathan (2017) 'Our warrior brown brethren' : identity and difference in images of non-white soldiers serving with the British Army in British art of the First World War. In: Walsh, Michael J.K. and Varnava, Andrekos, (eds.) The Great War and the British Empire : culture and society. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 129-150. ISBN 9781472462275
Black, Jonathan (2017) Winston Churchill in British art, 1900 to the Present Day : the Titan with many faces. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 320p. ISBN 9781472592392
Black, Jonathan (2017) The life and portraiture of Sir Oswald Birley MC. In: Black, Jonathan, (ed.) Power & beauty : the art of Sir Oswald Birley. London : Philip Mould & Co. ISBN 9780992726430
Brown, Douglas (2017) Workers, workhouses and the sick poor : health and institutional healthcare in the long nineteenth century - Book Review of: "The politics of hospital provision in early twentieth-century Britain" by Barry M. Doyle ; "Child workers and industrial health in Britain, 1750–1850" by Peter Kirby ; "Medicine and the workhouse" by Jonathan Reinarz and Leonard Schwarz (eds.) and "Institutionalizing the insane in nineteenth-century England" by Anna Shepherd. Journal of Urban History, 43(1), pp. 180-188. ISSN (print) 0096-1442
Cerella, Antonio (2017) El umbral y el limite: reflexiones sobre el sentido etico-politico de la alteridad en la era global. In: Atienza de Frutos, David and Garcia-Ramos Gallego, David, (eds.) La construccion de la identidad en tiempos de crisis: el papel de la violencia y la religion. Barcelona, Spain : Anthropos Editorial. pp. 41-65. (Pensamiento critico / Pensamiento utopico, (224)) ISBN 9788416421626
Davis, John R. and Nicholls, Angus, eds. (2017) Friedrich Max Müller and the role of philology in Victorian thought. London, U.K. : Routledge. 168p. ISBN 9781138633841
Davis, John R. (2017) A nation on display? The all-German industrial exhibitions at Berlin (1844) and Munich (1854). In: Cohen-Avenel, Pascale, (ed.) Selbstbild und Image Deutschalnds auf den Weltausstellungen. Wurzburg, Germany : Konigshausen & Neumann. pp. 31-70. ISBN 9783826059131
Dines, Martin [Reporter] (2017) Book Review of 'Sex, time and place : queer histories of London, c.1850 to the present' by Simon Avery and Katherine M. Graham (eds.). Literary London Journal, 14(2), pp. 89-93. ISSN (online) 1744-0807
Durston, Gregory (2017) The Admiralty Sessions, 1536-1834 : maritime crime and the silver oar. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 291p. ISBN 9781443881784
Favretto, Ilaria and Fincardi, Marco (2017) Carnivalesque and charivari repertoires in 1960s and 1970s Italian protest. In: Favretto, Ilaria and Itcaina, Xabier, (eds.) Protest, popular culture and tradition in modern and contemporary Western Europe. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 149-183. (Palgrave studies in the history of social movements) ISBN 9781137507365
Favretto, Ilaria (2017) Introduction: looking backward to move forward - why appreciating tradition can improve our understanding of modern protest. In: Favretto, Ilaria and Itcaina, Xabier, (eds.) Protest, popular culture and tradition in modern and contemporary Western Europe. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-20. (Palgrave studies in the history of social movements) ISBN 9781137507365
Favretto, Ilaria and Itcaina, Xabier, eds. (2017) Protest, popular culture and tradition in modern and contemporary Western Europe. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 273p. (Palgrave studies in the history of social movements) ISBN 9781137507365
Garcia Quesada, George Ivan (2017) Karl Marx, historian of social times and spaces. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Grieves, Keith (2017) 'Patriotism in things of beauty': Thomas Cecil Farrer, historical continuity and liberty in the Surrey countryside. Surrey Archaeological Collections, 100, pp. 163-185. ISSN (print) 0309-7803
Grieves, Keith [Reviewer] (2017) St Albans; life on the home front, 1914-1918. Social History, 42(4), pp. 560-562. ISSN (print) 0307-1022
Grieves, Keith (2017) A future too awful to contemplate: Lord Lansdowne, war aims, and peace advocacy in England in 1917. In: Olmstead, Justin Quinn, (ed.) Reconsidering peace and patriotism during the First World War. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 127-147. ISBN 9783319513003
Hallward, Peter (2017) Blanqui and Marx : A reply to William Roberts. Jacobin, ISSN (online) 2158-2602
Hawkins, Sue (2017) 'I must remind you that the nurse is not the doctor ; that she never can be' : gender and hospital nursing in 19th and 20th century England. Historia Hospitalium, 30, pp. 40-63. ISSN (print) 0440-9043
Holdsworth, Claire and Stoneman, Rod (2017) Campaigning for Innovation and experiment on Channel 4. In: Mulvey, Laura and Clayton, Sue, (eds.) Other Cinemas: Politics, Culture and Experimental Film in the 1970s. London : IB Tauris. pp. 313-318. ISBN 9781784537180
Holdsworth, Claire (2017) Readings at the intersection : audio culture and the moving image in 1970s Britain. In: Il Intermedia Conference: The Moving Form of Film : Exploring Intermediality as a Historiographic Method; 6–8 Nov 2017, Reading, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Holdsworth, Claire (2017) Revisiting Unword – sound as radical discourse. In: Invisible Republic: Music, Lettrism, Avant-Gardes; 25 – 27 Oct 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Holdsworth, Claire [Curator], Mulvey, Laura [Curator] and Clayton, Sue [Curator] (2017) Towards Other Cinemas : a critical re-assessment of 1970s independent film and video.
Holdsworth, Claire (2017) The workshop declaration : independents and organised labour. In: Mulvey, Laura and Clayton, Sue, (eds.) Other cinemas : politics, culture and experimental film in the 1970s. London, U.K. : IB Tauris. pp. 307-312. ISBN 9781784537180
Holdsworth, Claire M. (2017) Material metaphors : notes on researching histories of British film & video. In: Multiplicities of Writing and Archival Research; 16 Jun 2017, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Holdsworth, Claire M. (2017) Vocal and material mourning : Stuart Marshall, Mouth Works (1975/76). In: Material Futures : Matter, Memory and Loss in Contemporary Art Production and Preservation; 29 - 30 Jun 2017, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Johnson, Rachael (2017) The Venus of Margate : fashion and disease at the seaside. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 40(4), pp. 587-602. ISSN (print) 1754-0194
Knott, Stephen (2017) Book review of: 'Arts and Crafts Stained Glass' by Peter Cormack. The Journal of Modern Craft, 10(1), pp. 111-115. ISSN (print) 1749-6772
Lipsedge, Karen (2017) Social hierarchy and social mobility. In: Sabor, Peter and Schellenberg, Betty A., (eds.) Samuel Richardson in context. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 296-303. (Literature in context) ISBN 9781107150126
Malabou, Catherine (2017) The brain of history or the mentality of the Anthropocene. SAQ : South Atlantic Quarterly, 116(1), pp. 39-53. ISSN (print) 0038-2876
O'Brien, Sorcha (2017) Brown bread and washing machines : nostalgia and perspective in Irish women’s experience of rural electrification. In: Oral Histories of Work & Leisure : Oral History Network of Ireland 2017 Conference; 23-24 Jun 2017, Galway, Republic of Ireland. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2017) Early Career Researcher grant funding presentation. In: it AHRC Peer Review College Early Career History Event; 08 Mar 2017, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
O'Sullivan, Shane (2017) Meinhof, Shigenobu, Kennedy : revolution and assassination in 1968. VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, 6(12), pp. 12-40. ISSN (online) 2213-0969
Renshaw, Layla (2017) Forensic science as ritual and right. In: La Arqueología de la Guerra Civil Española, Federico García Lorca y el Debate Sobre la Memoria Histórica = The Archaeology of the Spanish Civil War: Searching for Federico Garcia Lorca and Shaping the Memory Debate in Spain; 14 - 16 Sep 2017, University of Nottingham. (Unpublished)
Renshaw, Layla (2017) The forensic gaze : reconstituting bodies and objects as evidence. In: Dziuban, Zuzanna, (ed.) Mapping the 'forensic turn' : engagements with materialities of mass death in Holocaust studies and beyond. Vienna, Austria : New Academic Press. pp. 215-236. (Beiträge zur Holocaustforschung des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien (VWI)) ISBN 9783700320722
Stevens, Katherine (2017) Anglo-French encounters : the integration of French prisoners of war and emigres into British society, 1789-1815. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
van den Berg, Richard (2017) 'A judicious and industrious compiler' : Mapping Postlethwayt's 'Dictionary of Commerce'. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 24(6), pp. 1167-1213. ISSN (print) 0967-2567
Wickstead, Helen (2017) "Wild worship of a lost and buried past" : enchanted archaeologies and the cult of Kata, 1908–1924. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, 27(1)(4), pp. 1-18. ISSN (print) 1062-4740