Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Health services research"

Barrett, D, Flynn, V, Humphreys, N and Quinn, T (2003) Patient care advisers: helping cardiac surgery patients to exercise choice. Professional Nurse, 19(2), pp. 88-91. ISSN (print) 0266-8130
Batty, Gwenno M., Grant, Robert L., Aggarwal, Reena, Lowe, Derek, Potter, Jonathan M., Pearson, Michael G. and Jackson, Stephen H. D. (2003) Using prescribing indicators to measure the quality of prescribing to elderly medical in-patients. Age and Ageing, 32(3), pp. 292-298. ISSN (print) 0002-0729
Berney, Lee and Blane, David (2003) The lifegrid method of collecting retrospective information from people at older ages. Research, Policy and Planning, 21(2), pp. 13-22. ISSN (print) 0264-519X
Blackman, Iva C., Bond, Matthew, Bowling, Ann, Banning, Adrian, Dudley, Nigel, Elder, Andrew, Martin, Anthony and Rai, Gurcharan S. (2003) Age and sex do not bias the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in acute myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(4), pp. 572-573. ISSN (print) 0002-8614
Bond, M, Bowling, A, McKee, D, Kennelly, M, Banning, A P, Dudley, N, Elder, A and Martin, A (2003) Does ageism affect the management of ischaemic heart disease? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 8(1), pp. 40-47. ISSN (print) 1355-8196
Bowling, Ann, Banister, David and Sutton, Stephen (2003) Adding quality to quantity: older people's views on quality of life and its enhancement. (Project Report) Swindon, U.K. : Economic and Social Research Council. 27 p. (Unpublished)
Bowling, Ann (2003) Current state of the art in quality of life measurement. In: Carr, Alison J. , Higginson, Irene J. and Robinson, Peter G., (eds.) Quality of Life. London, U.K. : BMJ Books. pp. 1-8. ISBN 0727915444
Bowling, Ann, Gabriel, Zahava, Dykes, Joanna, Dowding, Lee Marriott, Evans, Olga, Fleissig, Anne, Banister, David and Sutton, Stephen (2003) Let's ask them: a national survey of definitions of quality of life and its enhancement among people aged 65 and over. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 56(4), 269 - 306. ISSN (print) 0091-4150
Bowling, Ann, Gabriel, Z., Banister, D. and Sutton, S. (2003) Older people's views on quality of life and its enhancement. Nursing and Residential Care, 5(11), pp. 539-541. ISSN (print) 1465-9301
Ennals, Richard (2003) Innovationsstrategien und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit [Innovation strategies and workplace health]. In: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsstelle , Staman, Joland and Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Haus, (eds.) Hauptsache gesund! Münster, Germany : LIT Verlag. pp. 41-48. (Jahrbuch für Arbeit und Menschenwürde, (4)) ISBN 3825865983
Hurley, M.V., Mitchell, H.L. and Walsh, N. (2003) In osteoarthritis, the psychosocial benefits of exercise are as important as physiological improvements. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 31(3), pp. 138-143. ISSN (print) 0091-6331
Hurley, Michael V. (2003) Muscle dysfunction and effective rehabilitation of knee osteoarthritis: what we know and what we need to find out. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 49(3), pp. 444-452. ISSN (print) 0004-3591
Meredith, C., Treacy, C., Bandeeri, N. and Henry, J.A. (2003) The prevalence of Cocaine-associated chest pain in a London Hospital. In: The Faculty of Accident & Emergency Medicine Tenth Anniversary Meeting; 13-15 Nov 2003, London, U.K..
Quinn, Tom, Allan, Teresa F, Birkhead, John, Griffiths, Rod, Gydea, Sylvia and Murray, R Gordon (2003) Impact of a region-wide approach to improving systems for heart attack care: the West Midlands thrombolysis project. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2(2), pp. 131-139. ISSN (print) 1474-5151
Wettergren, L., Bjorkholm, M., Axdorph, U., Bowling, A. and Langius-Eklof, A. (2003) Individual quality of life in long-term survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma: a comparative study. Quality of Life Research, 12(5), pp. 545-554. ISSN (print) 0962-9343