Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > General engineering and mineral and mining engineering"

Allouis, E., Ellery, A. and Welch, C.S. (2003) Entry descent and landing systems for small planetary missions: parametric comparison of parachutes and inflatable systems for the proposed Vanguard Mars mission. In: Fifth IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions; 24 - 26 Sep 2003, Noordwijk, Netherlands.
Blackman, B.R.K., Hadavinia, H., Kinloch, A.J. and Williams, J.G. (2003) The use of a cohesive zone model to study the fracture of fibre composites and adhesively-bonded joints. International Journal of Fracture, 119(1), pp. 25-46. ISSN (print) 0376-9429
Chalkley, A.M., Billett, E., Harrison, D. and Simpson, G. (2003) Development of a method for calculating the environmentally optimum lifespan of electrical household products. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of engineering manufacture, 217(11), pp. 1521-1532. ISSN (online) 0954-4054
Dembele, S. and Wen, J.X. (2003) Evaluation of fast correlated-k approach for radiation calculations in combustion systems. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 44(4), pp. 365-385. ISSN (print) 1040-7790
Dembele, S., Zhang, J. and Wen, J. X. (2003) Evaluation of the correlated-k and other gas radiation models for combustion applications. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium Fire Safety Science, 7, pp. 927-938.
Dembele, Siaka and Wen, Jennifer (2003) Predicting Glazing Behaviour in a Fire Environment – Effect of Radiation Heat Transfer Models. FABIG Newsletter(45), R570.
Georgiou, I., Hadavinia, H., Ivankovic, A., Kinloch, A.J., Tropsa, V. and Williams, J.G. (2003) Cohesive zone models and the plastically deforming peel test. Journal of Adhesion, 79(3), pp. 239-265. ISSN (print) 0021-8464
Kohler, H.J. and Koenders, M.A. (2003) Direct visualisation of underwater phenomena in soil-fluid interaction and analysis of the effects of an ambient pressure drop on unsaturated media. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 41(1), pp. 69-78. ISSN (print) 0022-1686
Laila, D. S. and Nesic, D. (2003) Changing supply rates for input-output to state stable discrete-time nonlinear systems with applications. Automatica, 39(5), pp. 821-835. ISSN (print) 0005-1098
Muppala, S. P. Reddy and Dinkelacker, Friedrich (2003) Numerical calculation of turbulent premixed Methane, Ethene and Propane/Air Flames at pressures up to 10 bar. In: European Combustion meeting; 25 - 28 Oct 2003, Orleans, France.
Osborne, B., Suvorovs, T., De Wit, J. and Steinberg, T. (2003) Microanalysis of Quenched and Self-extinguished Aluminium Rods Burned in Oxygen. In: Steinberg, Theodore A. , Newton, Barry E. and Beeson, Harold D., (eds.) Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Tenth Volume. West Conshohocken, PA, U.S. : ASTM International. pp. 151-163. 10(STP 1454) ISBN 9780803134706
Sandham, N.D., Yao, Y.F. and Lawal, A.A. (2003) Large-eddy simulation of transonic turbulent flow over a bump. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(4), pp. 584-595. ISSN (print) 0142-727X
Wang, X.X., Guo, Y.Y. and Shu, P.C. (2003) Numerical modelling of heat transfer between gas and solid in a vibrated fluidised bed. Applied Thermal Engineering, 23(7), pp. 821-828. ISSN (print) 1359-4311
Wen, Jennifer (2003) Under-ventilated compartment fires - introduction of the EC funded Firenet Project. FABIG Newsletter(37), R498.
Zhang, T., Bao, Y. and Gawne, D.T. (2003) Process model of plasma enamelling. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 23(7), pp. 1019-1026. ISSN (print) 0955-2219