Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Communication, cultural and media studies"

Agnew, Eadaoin (2024) Transnational encounters in anglophone Indian women’s writing. In: Capancioni, Claudia , Constantini, Mariaconcetta and Kuehn, Julia, (eds.) 'Re-examining nineteenth-century Easts : gendered narratives of encounter. Manchester University Press. (In Press)
Al Ghanem, Amjad (2024) From seeking to speaking : Kuwaiti women and empowerment. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Baverstock, Alison, Bates, Leah and Steinitz, Jackie (2024) What were the processes and impact of establishing a book group in the hilltop benefice? Logos, 35(1), pp. 58-68. ISSN (print) 0957-9656
Bruun, Andrea, White, Nicola, Oostendorp, Linda, Stone, Patrick and Bloch, Steven (2024) Initiating prognostic talk during hospice multidisciplinary team meetings : a conversation analytic study. Journal of Palliative Care, ISSN (print) 0825-8597 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Caygill, Howard (2024) Fate and the fateless in Benjamin’s Fate and Character. Diacritics, ISSN (print) 0300-7162 (In Press)
Caygill, Howard (2024) The final rhyme (or the community of lament) : Benjamin’s Shakespearian sonnet cycle. New Benjamin Studies, ISSN (print) 2751-3262 (In Press)
Chambers, Colin (2024) Georgian theatres in Arundel. The Bell(Summer), pp. 54-56.
Coggle, Lucy Rhiain (2024) Digital scurvy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Dines, Martin [Reviewer] (2024) Book Review of: 'The Poetics of Cruising: Queer Visual Culture from Whitman to Grindr' by Jack Parlett. American Literary History, 36(2), pp. 674-677. ISSN (print) 0896-7148
Fatehrad, Azadeh and Natalini, Davide (2024) Common ground : stories of shared spaces in the UK. In: Shared Spaces : Migration and Past; 16 Nov 2023, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fatehrad, Azadeh [Director], Norberg, Anna [Producer], Utopia Studio [Sound designer], Kullänger, Stefan [Cinematographer], Barylo, William [Film editor], Rusconi, Ryan [Sound engineer] and Al Ghanem, A. [Narrator] (2024) Home Away From Home. (Documentary film).
Fatehrad, Azadeh [Artist] (2024) Making Home. .
Fatehrad, Azadeh (2024) Nature-based integration: connecting communities with/in nature. In: Therapeutic Landscapes; 9-10 March 2024, Worcester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Foletto Lucas, Bruna (2024) Reclaiming horror : understanding the paradigm shift of female representation in horror films. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
George, Lezley (2024) Styling coffee and performing taste : influencers' fashion and women-only social gatherings in the United Arab Emirates. In: Inglis, David and Ho, Hang Kei, (eds.) Drinks in vogue : exploring the changing worlds of fashions and beverages. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 210-231. (Fashion Sociologies) ISBN 9781032027210 (In Press)
Gunn, Millicent Rose (2024) Soundscapes of unease : exploring immersion in horror and fantasy video games. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Jarvis, Beatrice (2024) Embodied peacemaking : the role of dance in communicative strategies for conflict mediation and resolution. In: Connaughton, Stacey L. and Pukallus, Stephanie, (eds.) The Routledge handbook of conflict and peace communication. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. (Routledge handbooks in communication studies) ISBN 9781032490489
Kojève, Alexandre and Weslati, Hager [Translator] (2024) Kant. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 272p. ISBN 9781804290651 (In Press)
Lipsedge, Karen (2024) The power of storytelling and story-listening : reflections on HECAA@30. Journal18, ISSN (print) 2470-5683
Lueder, Christoph (2024) Oblique Drawing and Empathetic Immersion. In: Colonnese, Fabio , Grancho, Nuno and Schaeverbeke, Robin, (eds.) Approaches to Drawing in Architectural and Urban Design. Newcastle, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 372-392. ISBN 9781527565807
Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2024) Against community : ambivalent identities in Actors Touring Company and David Greig’s The Events. Studies in Theatre and Performance, ISSN (print) 1468-2761 (In Press)
Melia, Matthew (2024) (Re)positioning Ken Russell as a cult horror auteur. In: Broughton, Lee, (ed.) Reappraising cult horror films : from Carnival of Souls to Last Night in Soho. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781501387586
Moore, Kyle (2024) Kojève and the problem of completion : from the first brouillon to the end of history. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Naidoo, Mayuren (2024) No time to die : analysing and historically framing the impact of digital, streaming and the coronavirus pandemic on UK cinema exhibition and distribution. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Rindzeviciute, Egle [Reviewer] (2024) Book Review of 'The computable city : histories, technologies, stories, predictions' by Michael Batty. The British Journal for the History of Science, ISSN (print) 0007-0874 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Samanpour, Morteza (2024) Marx's Capital, From colonialism to contemporary capitalism : historical ontology and social temporalities of the reproduction process. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Soler Caicedo, Camilo Sol Inti and Escobar-Tello, Carolina (2024) Envisioning futures through decolonised tacit knowledge : the in, out and on method. Futures, 163, p. 103440. ISSN (print) 0016-3287
Weslati, Hager (2024) Critique of pure violence : Weil contra Kojeve. Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence, 8(1), pp. 46-62. ISSN (online) 2559-9798
Weslati, Hager (2024) Kojève, Kant, and paganism. Continental Philosophy Review, ISSN (print) 1387-2842 (In Press)
Wickstead, Helen (2024) Ancient Temple discovered in Kingston conceals even older temple buildings. Tomorrow’s News Today, p. 13.
Wickstead, Helen (2024) Palaeoliths and pareidolia : photography and archaeological stone collecting from the discovery of deep time to the eolith controversies. Photography and Culture, ISSN (print) 1751-4517 (Epub Ahead of Print)