Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Chemical engineering"

Heidari, A., Ferraris, S., Wen, J.X. and Tam, V.H.Y. (2011) Numerical simulation of large scale hydrogen detonation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(3), pp. 2538-2544. ISSN (print) 0360-3199
Heidari, A., Pereira, J.M., Wen, J., Tam, V., Ghasemnejad, H., Shariff, H., Donchev, T. and Johnson, M (2011) Towards understanding the Buncefield explosion through advanced numerical analysis and experimental investigations. In: Hazards XXII - process safety and environmental protection; 11-14 Apr 2011, Liverpool, U.K..
Pereira, J. M, Ghasemnejad, H., Wen, J.X and Tam, V.H.Y (2011) Blast response of cracked steel box structures repaired with carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composite patch. Materials & Design, 32(5), pp. 3092-3098. ISSN (print) 0261-3069