Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Art and design"

Feo, Roberto and Hurtado, Rosario (2006) Micos and tape chairs. (Sculptural furniture). Milan, Italy, Magis.
Price, E (2006) Renderer. (Installation). New York, USA, 500cm x 500cm x 0cm.
Bates, Joe (2006) What boys wear: the changing face of menswear. Dansk, 10, pp. 44-45.
Beard, Alice [Reviewer] (2006) Book Reviews of 'Fashioning London: clothing and the modern metropolis, fashion and modernity' by Christopher Breward and 'Fashion and modernity' edited by Christopher Breward and Caroline Evans. Journal of Design History, 19(2), pp. 176-178. ISSN (print) 0952-4649
Blair, Bernadette (2006) 'At the end of a huge crit in the summer, it was “crap” – I’d worked really hard but all she said was “fine” and I was gutted'. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 5(2), pp. 83-95. ISSN (print) 1474-273X
Dalke, Hilary, Little, Jenny, Niemann, Elga, Camgoz, Nilgun, Steadman, Guillaume, Hill, Sarah and Stott, Laura (2006) Colour and lighting in hospital design. Optics & Laser Technology, 38(4-6), pp. 343-365. ISSN (print) 0030-3992
Davis, Lennard J. and Smith, Marquard (2006) Editorial: disability - visuality. Journal of Visual Culture, 5(2), pp. 131-136. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
McDermott, Catherine and Loveday, Donna (2006) Curating contemporary design. Blueprint(243), pp. 66-67. ISSN (print) 0268-4926
Ofield, Simon (2006) Cecil Beaton: designs on Francis Bacon. Visual Culture in Britain, 7(1), pp. 21-38. ISSN (print) 1471-4787
Smith, Marquard (2006) Journeys, documenting, indexing, archives and practice-based research: a conversation with susan pui san lok. Art Journal, 65(4), pp. 18-35. ISSN (print) 0004-3249
Bick, Andrew, ed. (2006) The Kingston turnpike. Leigh, UK : The Turnpike Gallery. 40p. ISBN 0952947080
Haslam, Andrew (2006) Book design. London, U.K. : Laurence King Publishing. 256p. ISBN 9781856694735
Keeble, Trevor [Editor], Martin, Brenda [Editor] and Sparke, Penny [Editor] (2006) The modern period room: the construction of the exhibited interior 1870-1950. London, U.K. : Routledge.
Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2006) Art of welfare. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 136p. (Verksted, (7)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 8292495053
Macleod, Katy and Holdridge, Lin, eds. (2006) Thinking through art: reflections on art as research. London, U.K. : Routledge. 256p. (Innovations in Art and Design) ISBN 9780415364775
Smith, Marquard and Morra, Joanne, eds. (2006) The prosthetic impulse : from a posthuman present to a biocultural future. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press. 297p. ISBN 0262195305
Sparke, Penny , Martin, Brenda and Keeble, Trevor, eds. (2006) The modern period room : the construction of the exhibited interior 1870 to 1950. London : Routledge. 196p. ISBN 9780415374705
Walsh, Roxy (2006) Felix culpa. Birmingham, UK : ARTicle Press. 32p. ISBN 1873352549
Book Section
Chaplin, Sarah (2006) The double life: the cultural construction of the exhibited interior in modern Japan. In: Sparke, Penny , Martin, Brenda and Keeble, Trevor, (eds.) The modern period room: the construction of the exhibited interior 1870 to 1950. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 59-72. ISBN 0415374707
Eichelmann, Volker (2006) Kurlichtspiele: Reminiszenz, 12. Dezember 1953. In: Freiling, Rudolf and Herzogenrath, Wulf, (eds.) digital heritage: video art in Germany from 1963 to the present. Ostifildern, Germany : Hatje Cantz. pp. 358-361. ISBN 3775717188
Gough, Tim (2006) Defiguration of space. In: Pekar, Thomas and Onuki, Atsuko, (eds.) Figuration-defiguration. Munich, Germany : Iudicum Verlag. ISBN 3891298846
Keeble, Trevor (2006) Introduction. In: Sparke, Penny , Martin, Brenda and Keeble, Trevor, (eds.) The modern period room: the construction of the exhibited interior 1870 to 1950. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 1-7. ISBN 0415374693
Kottasz, Rita (2006) Resistance to identity change in UK theatres. In: Maitland, Heather, (ed.) Navigating difference: cultural diversity and audience development. London, U.K. : Arts Council England. pp. 71-78. ISBN 9780728710771
Myers, Julie (2006) Elsewhere in between: the use of a non-linear content management system for the presentation of collaborative video. In: Gillman, Clive, (ed.) Research: the itemisation of creative knowledge. Liverpool, U.K. : FACT & Liverpool University Press. pp. 116-127. ISBN 9781846310386
Smith, Marquard (2006) Visual culture studies: questions of history, theory, and practice. In: Jones, Amelia, (ed.) A companion to contemporary art since 1945. Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishing. pp. 470-489. (Blackwell companions to art history) ISBN 1405135425
Sparke, Penny (2006) Ettore Sottsass, a modern Italian designer. In: Labaco, Ronald T., (ed.) Ettore Sottsass: architect and designer. London, UK : Merrell Publishers. pp. 11-31. ISBN 1858943205
Wickstead, Helen (2006) Archaeologist. In: Adams, Eileen and Baynes, Ken, (eds.) Professional Practices. London, U.K. : Campaign for Drawing. pp. 12-13. (Power Drawing)
Conference or Workshop Item
Fatsar, Kristof (2006) How to deal with the loss of edifices in historic landscapes. In: Conservation in changing societies : heritage and development : proceedings of the international conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Raymond Lemaire international centre for conservation (1976-2006); 22 - 25 May 2006, Leuven, Belgium.
Griffiths, Ian (2006) Fall 2006: MaxMara runway show collection. Milan : MaxMara. Woven and knitted garments fashion collection.
Griffiths, Ian (2006) Spring 2006: MaxMara runway show collection. Milan : MaxMara. Fashion collection.
Bick, Andrew (2006) The Kingston Turnpike. The Kingston Turnpike. , 11 Feb - 25 Mar 2006 , Leigh, UK.
Dehn, J (2006) Creative resource materials library : the building sector. 100 years of Innovation, 75th Anniversary Exhibition, The Building Centre. , 25 May - 31 July 2006 , London, UK.
Feo, Roberto and Hurtado, Rosario (2006) Make believe. Make Believe. , 11 Jan - 4 Mar 2006 , Kingston-upon-Thames, UK.
Feo, Roberto and Hurtado, Rosario (2006) Tagged environments. Talking cities : the micro politics of urban space [Perspective and visions in design]. , 26 Aug - 03 Dec 2006 , Essen, Germany.
Hosking, Mark (2006) Disclosures VI: disconnected. Disclosure VI: disconnected. , 25 May - 09 Jul 2006 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
McDermott, Catherine (2006) Living buildings. Living Buildings. , 2006-2007 , London, UK.
Walsh, Roxy (2006) Felix culpa. Roxy Walsh: Felix Culpa. , 09 Jun 2006 - 20 May 2007 , London, UK.
Still/Graphic Work
Grandfield, G. (2006) Cover design and 12 full page illustrations for 'Trouble is my busines and other stories' by Raymond Chandler. (Book illustrations). London, UK : The Folio Society.
Grandfield, Geoff (2006) Cover design and 15 internal illustrations for ‘Trouble Is My Business’ by Raymond Chandler. (Book illustration). London : The Folio Society.
Stott, Laura and Dalke, Hilary (2006) Environmental multisensory design: the role of colour and odour in well-being. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 180 p. ISBN 9781907684180
Moving Image/Broadcast
Cham, Karen [Artist] (2006) Stay Cool, Be Positive. (Digital video).
Cheadle, Jane [Director] and Nilsen, Benny [Sound engineer] (2006) Rose Thieves. (Artists' film, animation).
Foster, Charlotte and Carr, Sarah (2006) Young lives. (DVD documentary). (Youth perspectives and practice)
Harvey, Tim (2006) As you like it. (Broadcast film).
Harvey, Tim (2006) The magic flute. (Feature film).
Myers, Julie (2006) Elsewhere in between. (On-line digital film).