Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Art and design"

Anderson, Peter R [Artist], Lee, Rosemary [Choreographer] and Miller, Graeme [Composer] (1996) Boy. (Dance film). (Dance for Camera)
Chadwick, Jane [Designer] and Quinton, Jess [Designer] (1996) Felt, non felt. yarn. Garment design / fashion collection.
Chadwick, Jane [Designer] and Quinton, Jess [Designer] (1996) Quinton and Chadwick's knitwear collection. Tactel yarn. Garment design / fashion collection.
Dehn, Jakki T [Artist] (1996) Barbie's green chair. (Furniture).
Dehn, Jakki T [Artist] (1996) Rematerialize: a travelling exhibition on recycled materials. The Re-Materialize Exhibition. , 12-25 Nov 1996 , Royal College of Art Gallery, London, UK.
Dolphin Wilding, Julienne [Artist] (1996) Recycling: forms for the next century - austerity for posterity. Recycling: forms for the next century - austerity for posterity. , 22 Feb - 21 Apr 1996 , Crafts Council Gallery, London, UK.
Dray, Andy [Designer] (1996) Option and vision. Luggage.
Dray, Andy [Designer] (1996) 'Recoil', 'Onview' and 'Safelink'. Spring-based product for retail display and security.
Dye, Michael [Designer] (1996) Arabesque. Seating.
Dye, Michael [Designer] (1996) Omega. Seating.
Keelan, Siumee [Curator] (1996) Jacqueline Morreau: themes and variations. Jacqueline Morreau: themes and variations. , 2 Nov - 2 Dec 1996 , The Ferens Art Gallery, Kingston-upon-Hull.
Kirkham, Pat (1996) Fashioning the feminine: dress, appearance and femininity in wartime Britain. In: Gledhill, Christine and Swanson, Gillian, (eds.) Nationalising femininity: culture, sexuality and British cinema in the Second World War. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 152-174. ISBN 0719042593
Kirkham, Pat, ed. (1996) The gendered object. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. 226p. ISBN 0719044758
Knowles, D [Designer] (1996) Marela Tricot Ladies Knitwear Collection Autumn/Winter 1996/1997. Knitwear fashion collection.
Lawler, Teresa [Designer] (1996) Deceit. Set and costume design (theatre).
Martin, Brenda (1996) Dorich House. Apollo: the international magazine of the arts, 144(417), pp. 25-26. ISSN (print) 0003-6536
Nixon, Louis [Artist] (1996) High rise. High Rise. , 3 May - 2 Jun 1996 , 110 Euston Road, London, NW1.
Piddington, Andrew [Director] (1996) The soldier's story. (Series for film and television).
Startup, Jasper [Designer] (1996) Recycled waste paper shelf unit. shelving unit.
Walker, Sue, Edwards, Viv and Blacksell, Ruth (1996) Designing bilingual books for children. Visible Language, 30(3), pp. 268-283. ISSN (print) 0022-2224