Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Architecture and the built environment"

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Number of items: 32.


Cassar, J., Winter, M. G., Marker, B. R., Bromhead, E. N., Smith, J. W. N., Toll, D. G., Walton, N. R. G., Entwisle, D. C. and Dijkstra, T. A. (2013) Introduction to the stone cycle and the conservation of historic buildings. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46(4), pp. 363-366. ISSN (print) 1470-9236

Clarke, John Lester (2013) Sustainable buildings : sustainable behaviour? To what extent do sustainable buildings encourage sustainable behaviour through their design, construction, operation and use? (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Corkindale, John (2013) Conserving the built heritage: economic efficiency and inter-generational equity. Enfironmental Law and Management, 25(5), ISSN (print) 1067-6058

Corkindale, John (2013) Economic blueprints for sustainability: a critique. In: Comby, Jacques , Eames, Katherine A.T. , Tirloni, Valentina , Guihery, Laurent , Gomex, Jorge Marx and Oktem, Ayse Uyduran, (eds.) Developing sustainability: a collection of selected papers complied by the Dorich House Group of Universities. Istanbul, Turkey : Bilgi University Press. ISBN 9786053992868


Dennis, Richard, Merrill, Sam, Carlos, Galviz, Mullins, Sam and Lawrence, David (2013) Under London by rail : memory, the archive and heritage : a round-table. In: Cities Methodologies 2013; 23-26 Apr 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Dines, Martin and Vermeulen, Timotheus, eds. (2013) New suburban stories. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 233p. (Bloomsbury Studies in the City) ISBN 9781472510938

Drew, Benedict, Hart, Emma, Jenkins, Dal, Kenning, Dean and Till, Corinna (2013) Reclaim the mural. London, U.K. : Whitechapel Gallery. 32p. ISBN 9780854882090


Eccles, Timothy and Pointing, John (2013) Smart regulation, shifting architectures and changes in governance. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 5(1), pp. 71-88. ISSN (print) 1756-1450

Elsharkawy, H., Rutherford, P. and Rashed, H. (2013) Energy consumption behaviour and home performance: Community energy saving programme in Aspley, Nottingham. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2013); 10–12 Sep 2013, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)


Fatsar, Kristof (2013) L'isola Margherita a Budapest: un parco al centro del fiume. In: Cornaglia, Paolo, (ed.) Budapest: Architettura, città e giardini tra XIX e XX secolo. Torino, Italy : Celid. pp. 58-67. ISSN (print) 9788867890149

Fatsar, Kristof (2013) A magyarbéli kastély építéstörténete és kertje a Csákyak birtoklásának idején. In: Edit, Szentesi , Klára, Mentényi and Anna, Simon, (eds.) Kő kövön. Dávid Ferenc 73. születésnapjára : Stein auf Stein : Festschrift für Ferenc Dávid. Budapest, Hungary : Vince Kiadó. pp. 527-556. ISBN 9789633030448

Fisher, Fiona and Preston, Rebecca (2013) A living green background to the works of art: the site and gardens of a late 1960s home for art and design. In: History of Gardens and Landscapes; 17 May 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Gough, Tim (2013) Architecture as a strong discipline. Architecture and Culture, 1(1), pp. 20-41. ISSN (print) 2050-7828

Gough, Tim (2013) Reception theory of architecture : its pre-history and afterlife. Architectural Theory Review, 18(3), pp. 279-292. ISSN (print) 1326-4826


Ioannidou, Ersi (2013) House of Multiple Dimensions. In: Plenitude and Emptiness : A Symposium on Architectural Research by Design; 04-06 Oct 2013, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Jenkins, Jolyon and Lawrence, David [Contributor] (2013) Hard shoulder, soft heart? (BBC Radio 4 Broadcast).


Kaluarachchi, Yamuna (2013) The awareness of two stakeholders and the resilience of their built assets to extreme weather events in England. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4(3), pp. 297-316. ISSN (print) 1759-5908

Knifton, Robert (2013) Art, town and gown: Kingston University and public art. In: Artscapes: urban art and the public; 27-28 Jun 2013, Canterbury, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Langford, Justine and Pendreigh, Lisa (2013) Parkleys : a listed building guide for residents. (Manual) Parkleys Residents' Society. (Unpublished)

Lawrence, David (2013) Collecting and belonging. In: Going Underground : Travel Beneath the Metropolis 1863-2013; 17 - 18 Jan 2013, London, U.K..

Lawrence, David (2013) Collecting and belonging with London Underground. In: Galviz, Carlos Lopez and Merrill, Samuel, (eds.) Going Underground: new perspectives. London : London Transport Museum. pp. 73-82.

Lawrence, David [Speaker] (2013) Logo for London. In: Friday Late; 29 Nov 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Lawrence, David (2013) A logo for London. London, U.K. : Lawrence King. 176p. ISBN 9781780672960

Lueder, Christoph (2013) Diagram utopias: rota and network as instrument and mirror of Utopia and Agronica. Journal of Architectural Education, 67(2), pp. 224-233. ISSN (print) 1046-4883

Lueder, Christoph (2013) The London tube map as a shared public diagram. In: Going Underground : Travel Beneath the Metropolis 1863-2013; 17 - 18 Jan 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Phillips, David and Yamashita, Megumi (2013) Detail in contemporary residential architecture 2. London, U.K. : Laurence King. 224p. ISBN 9781780671758


Sayce, Sarah, Farren Bradley, Judith, Ritson, James and Quinn, Fiona (2013) Well-being: what does it mean for the sustainable university? In: Sterling, Stephen , Maxey, Larch and Luna, Heather, (eds.) The sustainable university: progress and prospects. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 211-231. (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development, (2)) ISBN 9780415627740

Silvestre, Bruno [Architect] (2013) Zona de Alvenarias. Housing.

Stara, Alexandra (2013) Beyond form: the relevance of the tectonic. In: Form Finding, Form Shaping, Designing Architecture; 10-11 Oct 2013, Mendrisio, Switzerland. (Unpublished)

Stara, Alexandra (2013) The Museum of French Monuments 1795-1816: killing art to make history. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate. 198p. (The Histories of Material Culture and Collecting, 1700-1950) ISBN 9781409437994

Suess, Eleanor [Artist] (2013) Sunhouse Elevation/Sunhouse Azimuth. (Film).


Tavri, Purva, Sayce, Sarah and Hands, Victoria (2013) Waste reuse and preparing to reuse : the top priority. In: WASTES 2013; 11-13 Sep 2013, Braga, Portugal. (Unpublished)

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