Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Applied mathematics"

Barkatou, Moulay A., Broughton, Gary and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2008) Regular systems of linear functional equations and applications. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2008; 20-23 Jul 2008, Hagenberg, Austria. (Proceedings of the twenty-first international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation) ISBN 9781595939043
Bidgood, P., Goda, D., Hunt, N., Jolliffe, N., Marriott, A. and Retkute, R. (2008) Promoting variety in statistics assessment. In: CETL-MSOR Conference 2008; 08 - 09 Sep 2008, Lancaster, U.K..
Davis, M. and Koenders, M.A. (2008) Combined gravity and mean flow effects on agitated slurries in a dead-end filtration set-up. Powder Technology, 182(2), pp. 307-312. ISSN (print) 0032-5910
Denholm-Price, James, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Wigmore, Angela (2008) Speech recognition and mathematics: Development of the "TalkMaths" application at Kingston University. In: 4th European Workshop on Mathematical and Scientific e-Contents; 11-13 Sept 2008, Trondheim, Norway.
Jones, Kevin [Speaker] (2008) Counting music. In: Counting music; 24 Apr 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Pfluegel, Eckhard (2008) A rational decomposition-lemma for systems of linear differential-algebraic equations. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 20 - 23 Jul 2008, Hagenberg, Austria.
Wigmore, Angela, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Denholm-Price, James (2008) The development of the "TalkMaths" speech interface at Kingston University. In: UK Speech - One-day meeting for young speech researchers; 16 July 2008, Guildford, U.K..
Woolf, A. (2008) The statistical analysis of athletics data: an investigation of the current scoring system for the decathlon. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Laporte, Gilbert, Miandoabchi, Elnaz and Bina, Saman (2008) Designing efficient methods for the tandem AGV network design problem using Tabu search and genetic algorithm. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36(9-10), pp. 996-1009. ISSN (print) 0268-3768
Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Elahipanah, Mahsa (2008) A genetic algorithm to optimize the total cost and service level for just-in-time distribution in a supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 111(2), pp. 229-243. ISSN (print) 0925-5273