Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Anthropology"

Artaraz, Kepa, Calestani, Melania and Trueba, Mei (2021) Introduction. Vivir bien / Buen vivir and post-neoliberal development paths in Latin America : scope, strategies and the realities of implementation. Latin American Perspectives, 48(3), pp. 4-16. ISSN (print) 0094-582X
Artaraz, Kepa , Calestani, Melania and Trueba, Mei, eds. (2021) Vivir bien/Buen vivir and post-neoliberal development paths in Latin America : scope, strategies, and the realities of implementation. SAGE Publications. (Latin American Perspectives, 48(3)) ISSN (print) 0094-582X
Dormor, Duncan James (2021) Becoming persons : a sociological investigation into institutional formations of transgender and intersex in the Christian Church. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ferguson, Nick and Hahn, Andreas (2021) Landscapes of Heathrow : the aircraft landing gear compartment and the politics of global transfer. Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman, 2(1), ISSN (online) 2633-4321
Gowland, Rebecca, Stewart, Nicolas A., Crowder, Kayla D., Hodson, Claire, Shaw, Heidi, Gron, Kurt J. and Montgomery, Janet (2021) Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 174(4), pp. 859-869. ISSN (print) 0002-9483
Montesi, Laura and Calestani, Melania, eds. (2021) Managing chronicity in unequal states : ethnographic perspectives on caring. London, U.K. : UCL Press. 275p. (Embodying Inequalities: Perspectives from Medical Anthropology) ISBN 9781800080287