Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Anthropology"

Calestani, Melania (2009) Book Review: Sian Lazar, El Alto, Rebel City: Self and Citizenship in Andean Bolivia. London: Duke University Press, 2008. Critique of Anthropology, 29(4), pp. 471-472. ISSN (print) 0308-275X
Calestani, Melania (2009) Book review: Alberto Corsín Jiménez (ed.), Culture and Well-being: Anthropological Approaches to Freedom and Political Ethics. London: Pluto Press, 2008. Critique of Anthropology, 29(1), pp. 125-126. ISSN (print) 0308-275X
Calestani, Melania (2009) An anthropology of well-being: Local perspectives and cultural constructions in the Bolivian Altiplano. (PhD thesis), Goldsmiths College, University of London, .
Hilsen, Anne Inga and Ennals, Richard (2009) Virtual Links: intergenerational learning and experience sharing across age divides and distances. AI & Society, 23(1), pp. 33-40. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ioannidou, Ersi (2009) The minimum home. In: OCCUPATION : Negotiations with Constructed Space; 02 - 04 Jul 2009, Brighton, U.K..
Renshaw, Layla (2009) Uncovered: reversals of exposure and concealment in Spain's memory politics. New Literary Observer: Anthropology of Closed Societies, 100,
Sophocleous, Andry (2009) Language attitudes towards the Greek-Cypriot dialect : social factors contributing to their development and maintenance. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Webb, Iain (2009) Bill Gibb : fashion and fantasy. In: The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival; 29 Mar - 05 Apr 2009, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Webb, Iain R [Curator] (2009) Bill Gibb: A Personal Journey. .