Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Agriculture, veterinary and food science"

Hooda, P. S., Zhang, Hao and Edwards, A. C. (2000) DGT measured fluxes as surrogates for uptake of metals by plants. Advances in Environmental Research, 3(4), pp. 550-555. ISSN (print) 1093-0191
Hooda, P. S., Moynagh, M., Svoboda, I. F. and Miller, A. (2000) Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water pollution in streams draining dairy farming catchments. Chemistry and Ecology, 17(1), pp. 17-30. ISSN (print) 0275-7540
Hooda, P. S., Rendell, A. R., Edwards, A. C. and Withers, P. J. A. (2000) Relating soil phosphorus indices to potential phosphorus release to water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29(4), pp. 1166-1171. ISSN (print) 0047-2425
Kirk, R.S. (2000) Checklist of parasites from British freshwater fish. (Technical Report) Huntingdon, U.K. : National Fisheries Laboratory, Environment Agency.
Kirk, R.S. (2000) Checklist of protozoans from British freshwater fish. (Technical Report) Huntingdon, U.K. : National Fisheries Laboratory, Environment Agency.
Kirk, R.S. (2000) Review of the literature on the eel parasite 'Anguillicola crassus'. (Technical Report) Huntingdon, U.K. : National Fisheries Laboratory, Environment Agency. 78 p.