Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Agriculture, veterinary and food science"

Hooda, P. S. and Alloway, B. J. (1994) Changes in operational fractions of trace metals in two soils during two-years of reaction time following sewage sludge treatment. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 57(4), pp. 289-311. ISSN (print) 0306-7319
Hooda, P. S. and Alloway, B. J. (1994) Sorption of Cd and Pb by selected temperate and semi-arid soils: effects of sludge application and ageing of sludged soils. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 74(3-4), pp. 235-250. ISSN (print) 0049-6979
Hooda, P.S. and Alloway, B.J. (1994) The plant availability and DTPA extractability of trace metals in sludge-amended soils. Science of the Total Environment, 149(1-2), pp. 39-51. ISSN (print) 0048-9697
Kett, S. M. and Kirk, R. S. (1994) A survey of the aquatic macro-invertebrate communities of the Isle of Wight Pond and Western Hollow Pond, Bookham Common. The London Naturalist, 73, pp. 175-180. ISSN (print) 0076-0579
Kirk, Ruth and Lewis, John (1994) Sanguinicoliasis in cyprinid fish in the UK. In: Pike, A.W. and Lewis, J.W., (eds.) Parasitic Diseases of Fish. Dyfed, U.K. : Samara Publishing Limited. pp. 101-117. ISBN 187369203x