Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Accounting and finance"

Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis, Noikokyris, Emmanouil and Giannopoulos, George (2020) A meta-crisis banking efficiency study in the MENA region. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(9), pp. 2087-2112. ISSN (print) 1759-0817
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2021) Investment and labor income shares. Economic Change and Restructuring, 54(3), pp. 807-820. ISSN (print) 1573-9414
Fabiano, Gianluca (2020) Financing knowledge, appropriating value. Two faces of biopharmaceutical innovation. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ibrahim, Salma, Tahir, Muhammad and N'guessan, Kevin (2020) Earnings management and fraud. In: Farinha, Luis , Cruz, Ana Baltazar and Sebastião, João Renato, (eds.) Handbook of research on accounting and financial studies. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. pp. 343-364. (Advances in finance, accounting and economics) ISSN (print) 2327-5677 ISBN 9781799821366
Khansalar, Ehsan and Kashefi-Pour, Eilnaz (2020) The usefulness of the double entry constraint for predicting earnings. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 54, pp. 51-57. ISSN (print) 0924-865X
Li, Hao and Zhao, Jinsha (2020) Inside debt and firm risk-taking : evidence from the UK pension reform. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 47(9-10), pp. 1316-1364. ISSN (print) 0306-686X
Lodh, Suman, Rosli, Ainurul and Nandy, Monomita (2020) Small business surviving Covid-19 crisis : What we can learn from previous research? ISBE Blog.
Lodh, Suman and Nandy, Monomita (2020) A comprehensive coronavirus recovery model for small business. (Other) UK Parliament. 3 p. (Submitted)
Mahmood, Farooq (2020) Financial misreporting in UK charities. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Malafronte, Irma, Pereira, John and Busco, Cristiano (2020) The role of corporate culture in the choice of integrated reporting. (Project Report) Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). 20 p. (CIMA Research and Insight, no. 16/2) ISBN 9781859718872
Marcellusi, Andrea, Bini, Chiara, Andreoni, Massimo, Sarmati, Loredana, Espin, Jaime, Horcajada, Juan P., Czypionka, Thomas, Andretta, Davide, Sciattella, Paolo, Favato, Giampiero and Mennini, Francesco S. (2020) Budget impact analysis of Dalbavancin in the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections in three European countries. Clinical Drug Investigation, 40(4), pp. 305-318. ISSN (print) 1173-2563
Marcellusi, Andrea, Rotundo, Maria Assunta, Nardone, Claudia, Sciattella, Paolo, Gazzillo, Simone, Rossini, Maurizio, Barbagallo, Mario, Antenori, Amalia, Valle, Domenico and Mennini, Francesco Saverio (2020) Osteoporosis : economic burden of disease in Italy. Clinical Drug Investigation, 40, pp. 449-458. ISSN (print) 1173-2563
Monjed, Hend and Ibrahim, Salma (2020) Risk disclosure, income smoothing and firm risk. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 21(3), pp. 517-533. ISSN (print) 0967-5426
Nandy, Monomita and Lodh, Suman (2020) [Contribution to Public Consultation on draft revisions to the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance]. (Other) OECD. 2 p. (Submitted)
Nandy, Monomita and Lodh, Suman (2020) Post Covid-19 and business analytics. In: Joshi, Amit , Dey, Nilanjan and Santosh, K. C., (eds.) Intelligent Systems and Methods to Combat Covid-19. Singapore : Springer. pp. 83-91. (Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) ISBN 978981156571
Nandy, Monomita and Lodh, Suman (2020) [Post-pandemic economic growth]. (Other) UK Parliament. 22 p. (Submitted)
Rakeeb, Fathima Roshan (2020) Firm-level idiosyncratic volatility – evidence from the UK market. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Tahir, Muhammad and Ibrahim, Salma (2020) The performance of 'Shariah'-compliant companies during and after the recession period : evidence from companies listed on the FTSE All World Index. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(3), pp. 573-587. ISSN (print) 1759-0817
Zhao, Jinsha (2020) Is Bitcoin a safe haven asset? Evidence from an economic crisis. In: 11th Annual Faculty Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business and Social Science Research; 22 Jun 2020, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)