Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Accounting and finance"

Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis (2016) Project finance, energy efficiency and implications for project managers. Energy Learning Journal, 151(1),
Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis (2016) The project management triad. The European Centre of Technology,
Miao, Jia and Laws, Jason (2016) Profitability of a simple pairs trading strategy : recent evidences from a global context. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 19(04), p. 1650023. ISSN (print) 0219-0249
Miao, Jia (2016) The long-run effects of the Fed's monetary policy on the dynamics among major asset classes. International Journal of Management and Economics, 51(1), pp. 9-19. ISSN (print) 2299-9701
Sorwar, Ghulam, Pappas, Vasileios, Pereira, John and Nurullah, Mohamed (2016) To debt or not to debt : are Islamic banks less risky than conventional banks? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 132(Suppl), pp. 113-126. ISSN (print) 0167-2681
Conference or Workshop Item
Malafronte, Irma, Nurullah, Mohamed, Pereira, John and Sorwar, Ghulam (2016) Enforcement actions, market movement and depositors’ reaction: evidence from the US banking system. In: 6th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society: Banking, Finance and Institutions: Stability and Risk; 10-12 Jun 2016, Malaga, Spain. (Unpublished)
Malafronte, Irma, Pereira, John, Starita, Maria Grazie and Busco, Cristiano (2016) Integrated reporting and thinking: an empirical analysis of STOXX Europe 600 firms. In: Integrated Thinking & Reporting in Practice; 17-18 Nov 2016, Rome, Italy. (Unpublished)
Yasotharalingam, Lingesiya (2016) Capital budgeting theory and practices. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .