Items where Faculty is "Services and Administration (until 2017) > Vice-Chancellor's Office"

Blitz, Brad (2010) Fractured lives and grim expectations: freedom of movement and the downgrading of status in the Italian university system. Bulletin of Italian Politics, 2(2), pp. 123-140. ISSN (print) 1759-3077
Lecky, Donna M., McNulty, Cliodna A. M., Touboul, Pia, Herotova, Tereza Koprivova, Benes, Jiri, Dellamonica, Pierre, Verlander, Neville Q., Kostkova, Patty, Weinberg, Julius, Goossens, Herman, Adriaenssens, Niels, De Corte, Stijn, Holt, Jette, Noer, Marianne, Kremastinou, Jenny, Farrell, David, Merakou, Koula, Gennimata, Dimitri, Cornaglia, Guiseppe, Koncan, Raffaella, Grzesiowski, Pawel, Olczak-Pienkowska, Anna, Avo, Antonio Brito and Campos, Jose (2010) Evaluation of e-Bug, an educational pack, teaching about prudent antibiotic use and hygiene, in the Czech Republic, France and England. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 65(12), pp. 2674-2684. ISSN (print) 0305-7453
Middlehurst, Robin (2010) Sustaining leadership in challenging times. Higher Education Management and Policy, 22(3), pp. 75-93. ISSN (print) 1682-3451
Stokes, David and Wilson, Nicholas C. (2010) Entrepreneurship and marketing education: time for the road less travelled? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Managemen, 11(1), pp. 95-108. ISSN (print) 1476-1297
Book Section
Lock, Deborah (2010) UK Higher Education perspectives of knowledge transfer. In: Howlett, Robert James, (ed.) Innovation through Knowledge Transfer. Berlin, Germany : Springer. pp. 27-38. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 5(5)) ISSN (print) 2190-3018 ISBN 9783642145933
May, Steve (2010) Access and retention at Kingston University, London, UK. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Access to success: fostering trust and exchange between Europe and Africa: project compendium. Brussels, Belgium : European University Association asbl. pp. 45-51. ISBN 9789078997238
Middlehurst, R., Kennie, T. and Woodfield, S. (2010) Leading and managing the university: presidents and their senior management team. In: Peterson, Penelope , Baker, Eva and McGaw, Barry, (eds.) International encyclopedia of education. 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier. pp. 238-244. ISBN 9780080448947
Middlehurst, Robin (2010) Accountability and cross-border higher education: dynamics, trends and challenges. In: Stensaker, Bjorn and Harvey, Lee, (eds.) Accountability in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Trust and Power. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 179-202. (International Studies in Higher Education) ISBN 9780415871952
Middlehurst, Robin (2010) Developing higher education professionals: challenges and possibilities. In: Gordon, George and Whitchurch, Celia, (eds.) Academic and Professional Identities in Higher Education: The Challenges of a Diversifying Workforce. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 223-243. (International Studies in Higher Education) ISBN 9780415990905
Woodfield, Steve (2010) Europe. In: Ergon-Polak, Eva and Hudson, Ross, (eds.) Internationalization of higher education: global trends, regional perspectives: IAU 3rd global survey report. Paris, France : International Association of Universities. pp. 170-178.
Woodfield, Steve (2010) Key trends and emerging issues in international student mobility (ISM). In: Maringe, Felix and Foskett, Nick, (eds.) Globalisation and internationalisation of higher education: theoretical, strategic and management perspectives. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 109-123. ISBN 9781441132772
Conference or Workshop Item
Bidgood, P., Saebi, N. and May, S. (2010) A statistical analysis of factors affecting success in National Vocational Qualifications. In: Fourth International Technology, Education and Development Conference; 8-10 Mar, 2010, Valencia, Spain. (INTED2010 Proceedings) ISBN 9788461355389
Cunningham, Abigail [Speaker] (2010) Suburban utopias. In: Kingston Reader's Festival; 08 May 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Lim, Helena and May, Steve (2010) Here's one I made earlier: creative ways with existing datasets. In: Institutional research: informing institutional enhancement, practice and strategy; 29 - 30 Jun 2010, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
May, Steve (2010) Attainment of students from diverse ethnic backgrounds: an institutional case study. In: Institutional research: informing institutional enhancement, practice and strategy; 29 - 30 Jun 2010, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
May, Steve, McCrone, Fleur, Taylor, David and Woods, Jenni (2010) Supporting university access and progression of non traditional students. In: 32nd Annual EAIR Forum; 01 - 04 Sep 2010, Valencia, Spain. (Unpublished)
Middlehurst, Robin (2010) Institutional research: making a difference. In: Institutional research: informing institutional enhancement, practice and strategy; 29 - 30 Jun 2010, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Middlehurst, Robin and Woodfield, Steve (2010) Private providers in UK and continental Europe: competition and collaboration. In: 32nd Annual EAIR Forum; 01 - 04 Sep 2010, Valencia, Spain. (Unpublished)
Seddon, Deborah and Lock, Deborah (2010) Work-based MSc Professional Engineering: an evaluation so far. In: Engineering Education 2010 (EE2010); 06 - 08 Jul 2010, Birmingham, U.K..
Woodfield, Steve (2010) Are we maximising the contribution of our international staff community towards achieving institutional strategic objectives? Lessons from IR on the recruitment and transition experiences of non-UK staff at Kingston University. In: Institutional research: informing institutional enhancement, practice and strategy; 29 - 30 Jun 2010, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Fielden, John, Middlehurst, Robin, Woodfield, Steve and Olcott, Don (2010) The growth of private and for-profit higher education providers in the UK. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Universities UK. ISBN 9781840362275