Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing (until 2017) > School of Computing and Information Systems"

Book Section
Lambert, Peter, Mys, Stefaan, Škorupa, Jozef, Slowack, Jürgen, Van de Walle, Rik, Yuan Yang, Ming, Grecos, Christos and Argyriou, Vasileios (2010) Fast mode decision in H.264/AVC. In: Hu, Wen-Chen and Zuo, Yanjun, (eds.) Handheld Computing for Mobile Commerce: Applications, Concepts and Technologies. IGI Global. ISBN 9781615207619
Lewandowski, Michal, Makris, Dimitrios and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2010) View and style-independent action manifolds for human activity recognition. In: Daniilidis, Kostas , Maragos, Petros and Paragios, Nikos, (eds.) Computer Vision – ECCV 2010. Berlin, Germany : Springer. pp. 547-560. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6316(6316)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783642155666
Conference or Workshop Item
Alsop, Graham, Hebbes, Luke, Livingstone, David and Neve, Paul (2010) VLab: virtual machines as learning objects for ICT teaching. In: ALT-C 2010 "Into something rich and strange" – making sense of the sea-change; 7-9 Sept 2010, Nottingham, UK.
Hatton, L. (2010) A symmetric cipher not requiring prior sender/receiver key agreement. In: Kingston University Engineering Seminar; 8 Sep 2010, Kingston University, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ren, Jinchang, Vlachos, T. and Argyriou, V. (2010) Immersive and perceptual human-computer interaction using computer vision techniques. In: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops; 20-25 June 2011, Colorado Springs, U.S.A.. ISBN 9781424470297
Varnavas, A, Argyriou, V., Ng, J. and Bharath, A.A. (2010) Dense photometric stereo reconstruction on many core GPUs. In: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops; 20-25 June 2011, Colorado Springs, U.S.A.. ISBN 9781424470297
Martini, M.G. and Chiani, M. (2010) Koninklijke Philips Electronics Coding of data stream. 8,316,282 (US Patent).