Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017) > Small Business Research Centre"

Baverstock, Alison, Blackburn, Robert and Iskandarova, Marfuga (2015) How the role of the independent editor is changing in relation to traditional and self-publishing. Learned Publishing, 28(2), pp. 123-131. ISSN (print) 0953-1513
Baverstock, Alison, Blackburn, Robert and Iskandarova, Marfuga (2015) Who are the independent editors, how did they reach their role and what are their associated job satisfactions? Learned Publishing, 28(1), pp. 43-53. ISSN (print) 0953-1513
Benson, Vladlena, Saridakis, George and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2015) Information disclosure of social media users : does control over personal information, user awareness and security notices matter? Information Technology & People, 28(3), pp. 426-441. ISSN (print) 0959-3845
Benson, Vladlena, Saridakis, George and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2015) Purpose of social networking use and victimisation: are there any differences between university students and those not in HE? Computers in Human Behavior, 51(B), pp. 867-872. ISSN (print) 0747-5632
Benson, Vladlena, Saridakis, George, Tennakoon, Hemamali and Jean-Noel, Ezingeard (2015) The role of security notices and online consumer behaviour: an empirical study of social networking users. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 80, pp. 36-44. ISSN (print) 1071-5819
Blackburn, Robert , Hytti, Ulla and Welter, Friederike, eds. (2015) Context, process and gender in entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. 176p. (Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research) ISBN 9781785361654
Blackburn, Robert, Hytti, Ulla and Welter, Friederike (2015) Introduction: entrepreneurship, contextual, process and gender differentiations. In: Blackburn, Robert , Hytti, Ulla and Welter, Friederike, (eds.) Context, process and gender in entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 1-5. (Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research) ISBN 9781785361654
Blackburn, Robert and Do, Hang (2015) Job creation in born global enterprises: the cases of UK SMEs. (Project Report) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
Blackburn, Robert, Kitching, John and Saridakis, George (2015) The legal needs of small businesses: an analysis of small businesses’ experience of legal problems, capacity and attitudes. (Project Report) Legal Services Board. 115 p.
De Clercq, Dirk, Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) and Voronov, Maxim (2015) Explaining SME engagement in local sourcing: the roles of location-specific resources and patriotism. International Small Business Journal, 33(8), pp. 929-950. ISSN (print) 0266-2426
De Clercq, Dirk and Saridakis, George (2015) Informational injustice with respect to change and negative workplace emotions : the mitigating roles of structural and relational organizational features. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness : People and Performance, 2(4), pp. 346-369. ISSN (print) 2051-6614
De Clercq, Dirk and Belausteguigoitia, Imanol (2015) Intergenerational strategy involvement and family firms’ innovation pursuits: the critical roles of conflict management and social capital. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(3), pp. 178-189. ISSN (print) 1877-8585
De Clercq, Dirk, Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) and Dimov, Dimo (2015) Structural and relational influences on the role of reward interdependence in product innovation. R&D Management, 45(5), pp. 527-548. ISSN (print) 0033-6807
De Clercq, Dirk, Dimov, Dimo and Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) (2015) Structural and relational interdependence and entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises: the mediating role of internal knowledge-sharing. International Small Business Journal, 33(5), pp. 514-536. ISSN (print) 0266-2426
Do, Hang, Mazzarol, Tim, Volery, Thierry and Soutar, Geoff (2015) Anticipated innovation rent profiles: new insights into a SME typology. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2015: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice; 8-10 Sep 2015, Portsmouth, U.K..
Do, Hang, Cowling, Marc and Blackburn, Robert (2015) Barriers to exporting: new insights into UK SMEs. In: RENT XXIV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Entrepreneurial Society: a Platform for New Solutions to Old Problems; 18-20 Nov 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
Do, Hang, Cowling, Marc and Blackburn, Robert (2015) Determinants of export and innovation management amongst British SMEs. In: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Internationalisation, Innovation and Leadership; 11-12 Nov 2015, Glasgow, U.K..
Do, Hang, Mazzarol, Tim, Volery, Thierry, Geoff, Soutar and Reboud, Sophie (2015) SME owner-managers’ anticipated returns to commercialisation: the influence of organisational factors. In: 60th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2015: Entrepreneurship at a Global Crossroads; 6-9 Jun 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Genus, Audley and Iskandarova, Marfuga (2015) Emerging themes and controversies in responsible research and innovation: a narrative review. In: First International Conference on Anticipation; 5-7 Nov 2015, Trento, Italy. (Unpublished)
Genus, Audley (2015) Institutions, discourses and the promotion of renewable energy. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 5(1), pp. 119-124. ISSN (online) 2041-840X
Genus, Audley and Theobald, Kate (2015) Roles for university researchers in urban sustainability initiatives: the UK Newcastle Low Carbon Neighbourhoods project. Journal of Cleaner Production, 106, pp. 119-126. ISSN (print) 0959-6526
Gerasymenko, Violetta, De Clercq, Dirk and Sapienza, Harry J. (2015) Changing the business model: effects of venture capital firms and outside CEOs on portfolio company performance. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9(1), pp. 79-98. ISSN (print) 1932-4391
Harries, T., Coates, G., McEwen, L., McGuiness, M., Guan, D., Johnson, N., Li, C., Wragg, A., Wright, N. and Ahilan, S. (2015) The SESAME project on small businesses: understanding flood impacts, evaluating the effects of adaptation and promoting resilience. In: International Water Resources Association (IWRA) XV World Water Congress: Global Water: A Resource for Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints; 25-29 May 2015, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Iskandarova, Marfuga and Simakova, Elena (2015) Performing wave in policy and technoscience: developing an STS approach in the sociology of energy. In: Second International Days of the Sociology of Energy: Contemporary Societies Faced with Energy Transitions; 1-3 Jul 2015, Tours, France. (Unpublished)
Karatas-Ozkan, Mine and Chell, Elizabeth (2015) Gender inequalities in academic innovation and enterprise: a Bourdieuian analysis. British Journal of Management, 26(1), pp. 109-125. ISSN (print) 1045-3172
Kasperova, Eva, Blackburn, Robert and Kitching, John (2015) Entrepreneurial identity in its natural, practical and social contexts. In: RENT XXIV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Entrepreneurial Society: a Platform for New Solutions to Old Problems; 18-20 Nov 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
Kasperova, Eva (2015) Faceless business: how disabled entrepreneurs acquire legitimacy. In: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Internationalisation, Innovation and Leadership; 11-12 Nov 2015, Glasgow, U.K..
Kibler, Ewald, Wainwright, Thomas, Kautonen, Teemu and Blackburn, Robert (2015) Can social exclusion against “older entrepreneurs” be managed? Journal of Small Business Management, 53(S1), pp. 193-208. ISSN (online) 1540-627X
Kitching, John, Hart, Mark and Wilson, Nick (2015) Burden or benefit? Regulation as a dynamic influence on small business performance. International Small Business Journal, 33(2), pp. 130-147. ISSN (print) 0266-2426
Kitching, John, Hart, Mark and Wilson, Nickolas (2015) Evaluating the social value of regulatory reforms. In: Dittbrenner, Heather, (ed.) Investment climate reforms : an independent evaluation of World Bank Group support to reforms of business regulations. Washington, U.S. : Independent Evaluation Group. pp. 92-106.
Kitching, John (2015) Regulatory reform as risk management: deregulating micro-entity financial reporting. In: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Internationalisation, Innovation and Leadership; 11-12 Nov 2015, Glasgow, U.K..
Kitching, John (2015) Tracking UK freelance workforce trends 1992-2014. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 13(1), pp. 21-34. ISSN (print) 2009-2822
Kitching, John (2015) Tracking UK freelance workforce trends 1992-2015. In: Burke, Andrew, (ed.) The handbook of research on freelancing and self-employment. Dublin, Ireland : Senate Hall Academic Publishing. pp. 15-28. ISBN 9780954667399
Kitching, John, Kasperova, Eva and Collis, Jill (2015) The contradictory consequences of regulation: the influence of filing abbreviated accounts on UK small company performance. International Small Business Journal, 33(7), pp. 671-688. ISSN (print) 0266-2426
Lai, Yanqing, Saridakis, George and Blackburn, Robert (2015) Job stress in the United Kingdom: are small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises different? Stress and Health, 31(3), pp. 222-235. ISSN (print) 1532-3005
Little, Cedric, Felzensztein, Christian, Gimmon, Eli and Muñoz, Pablo (2015) The business management of the Chilean salmon farming industry. Marine Policy, 54, pp. 108-117. ISSN (print) 0308-597X
Rouse, Julia and Kitching, John (2015) Entrepreneurial practice in pregnancy: a conceptual framework. In: RENT XXIV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Entrepreneurial Society: a Platform for New Solutions to Old Problems; 18-20 Nov 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
Rouse, Julia and Kitching, John (2015) Entrepreneurial practice in pregnancy: a conceptual framework. In: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Internationalisation, Innovation and Leadership; 11-12 Nov 2015, Glasgow, U.K..
Saridakis, George, Mohammed, Anne-Marie and Sookram, Sandra (2015) Does crime affect firm innovation? Evidence from Trinidad and Tobago. Economics Bulletin, 35(2), pp. 1205-1215. ISSN (online) 1545-2921
Smallbone, David, Kitching, John and Blackburn, Robert (2015) Anchor institutions and small firms in the UK: a review of the literature on anchor institutions and their role in developing management and leadership skills in small firms. (Technical Report) Wath-upon-Dearne, U.K. : UK Commission for Employment and Skills. 40 p.
Smallbone, David and Kitching, John (2015) Might anchor institutions solve the small firm management development puzzle? In: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Internationalisation, Innovation and Leadership; 11-12 Nov 2015, Glasgow, U.K..
Smallbone, David (2015) Small firms in transition economies: challenges and opportunities. In: Newbert, Scott L., (ed.) Small business in a global economy: creating and managing successful organizations. Santa Barbara, U.S. : ABC-CLIO, LLC. 2 ISBN 9781440830150
Twigger-Ross, Clare, Orr, Paula, Brooks, Katya, Sadauskis, Rolands, Deeming, Hugh, Fielding, Jane, Harries, Tim, Johnston, Ruth, Kashefi, Elham, McCarthy, Simon, Rees, Yvonne and Tapsell, Sue (2015) Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder evaluation: final evaluation report. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 199 p. (Joint Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Programme, no. FD1664)
Twiname, Linda Jean and Athayde, Rosemary (2015) Engaging students in abstract, higher-order and creative thinking through the flock theory metaphor. In: 2015 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting: Opening Governance; 7-11 Aug 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Vershinina, Natalia, Rodionova, Yulia, Kitching, John and Barrett, Rowena (2015) Are there differences in perceptions of regulation according to gender of SME owner and are these justified? In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2015: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice; 8-10 Sep 2015, Portsmouth, U.K..
Wainwright, Tom, Kibler, Ewald, Kautonen, Teemu and Blackburn, Robert (2015) One size does not fit all: uncovering older entrepreneur diversity through motivations, emotions and mentoring needs. In: Sappleton, Natalie and Lourenco, Fernando, (eds.) Entrepreneurship, self-employment and retirement. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 42-66. ISBN 9781137398376