Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017) > Small Business Research Centre"

Anyadike-Danes, Michael and Hart, Mark (2006) The impact of sector, specialisation, and space on business birth rates in the United Kingdom: a challenge for policy? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24(6), pp. 815-826. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Baldock, Robert, James, Philip, Smallbone, David and Vickers, Ian (2006) Influences on small-firm compliance-related behaviour: the case of workplace health and safety. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24(6), pp. 827-846. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Blackburn, Robert and Ram, Monder (2006) Fix or fixation? The contributions and limitations of entrepreneurship and small firms to combating social exclusion. Entrepreneurship & regional development, 18(1), pp. 73-89. ISSN (print) 0898-5626
De Clercq, Dirk and Sapienza, Harry J. (2006) Effects of relational capital and commitment on venture capitalists' perception of portfolio company performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 21(3), pp. 326-347. ISSN (print) 0883-9026
De Clercq, Dirk, Fried, Vance H., Lehtonen, Oskari and Sapienza, Harry J. (2006) An entrepreneur’s guide to the venture capital galaxy. Academy of Management Perspectives, 20(3), pp. 90-112. ISSN (print) 1558-9080
De Clercq, Dirk and Arenius, Pia (2006) The role of knowledge in business start-up activity. International Small Business Journal, 24(4), pp. 339-358. ISSN (print) 0266-2426
Dimov, Dimo and De Clercq, Dirk (2006) Venture capital investment strategy and portfolio failure rate: a longitudinal study. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(2), pp. 207-223. ISSN (print) 1042-2587
Genus, Audley and Coles, Anne-Marie (2006) Firm strategies for risk management in innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 10(2), pp. 113-126. ISSN (print) 1363-9196
Genus, Audley (2006) Rethinking constructive technology assessment as democratic, reflective, discourse. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73(1), pp. 13-26. ISSN (print) 0040-1625
Hart, Mark and Lenihan, Helena (2006) Estimating additionality and leverage: the interplay between public and private sector equity finance in Ireland (2000-2002). Venture Capital, 8(4), pp. 331-351. ISSN (print) 1369-1066
Kitching, John (2006) Can small businesses help reduce employment exclusion? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24(6), pp. 869-884. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Kitching, John (2006) A burden on business? Reviewing the evidence base on regulation and small-business performance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24(6), pp. 799-814. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Lenihan, Helena and Hart, Mark (2006) Evaluating the additionality of public sector assistance to Irish firms: a question of ownership? Policy Studies, 27(2), pp. 115-133. ISSN (print) 0144-2872
North, David and Smallbone, David (2006) Developing entrepreneurship and enterprise in Europe's peripheral rural areas: some issues facing policy-makers. European Planning Studies, 14(1), pp. 41-60. ISSN (print) 0965-4313
Rouse, Julia and Kitching, John (2006) Do enterprise support programmes leave women holding the baby? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24(1), pp. 5-19. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Smallbone, David (2006) Book Review of: 'Regional economic growth, SMEs and the wider Europe' by Bernard Fingleton, Ayda Eraydin and Raffaele Paci (eds.). International Small Business Journal, 24(2), pp. 217-220. ISSN (print) 0266-2426
Stokes, David and James, Matthew (2006) Changing the capital: innovation in London's small firms. Journal of Research in Marketing & Entrepreneurship, 8(1), pp. 95-106. ISSN (print) 1471-5201
Stokes, David and Bergin, Richard (2006) Methodology or "methodolatry"? An evaluation of focus groups and depth interviews. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 9(1), pp. 26-37. ISSN (print) 1352-2752
Tourish, Dennis and Robson, Paul (2006) Sensemaking and the distortion of critical upward communication in organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 43(4), pp. 711-730. ISSN (print) 0022-2380
Welter, Friederike and Smallbone, David (2006) Exploring the role of trust in entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(4), pp. 465-476. ISSN (print) 1042-2587
Stokes, David and Wilson, Nicholas (2006) Small business management and entrepreneurship. 5th ed. London, U.K. : Thomson Learning / CENGAGE. 479p. ISBN 9781844802241
Book Section
Kibler, Ewald (2006) Der Euro - Mehr Missmut als Freude? In: Haller, Max and Ressler, Regina, (eds.) Wir da unten - die da oben. Die Europäische Union aus der Sicht von BürgerInnen und von Eliten. Graz, Austria : Universität Graz, Forschungsbericht Institut für Soziologie. pp. 41-55.
Conference or Workshop Item
Blackburn, Robert (2006) Understanding the relationship between regulation and entrepreneurs: different methods, different understandings. In: Understanding the Regulatory Climate for Entrepreneurship and SMEs: Rencontres de St-Gall 2006; 18-21 Sep 2006, Wildhus, Switzerland. ISBN 9783906541242
Greenman, Andrew and Smith, Scott (2006) Embed: mapping the future of work and play: a case for "embedding" non-ethnographers in the field. In: Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (EPIC) 2006; 24-26 Sep 2006, Portland, Oregon, U.S. ISSN (print) 1559-890X
Greenman, Andrew (2006) The dynamics of affected place: how extended embodied horizons and relational governance interrelate in Love City. In: Performing Places: Media and Embodiment in the Urban Environment; 7-9 Nov 2006, Helsinki, Finland.
Rogez, Gregory, Orrite, Carlos, Martinez del Rincon, Jesus and Herrero, J. Elías (2006) Probabilistic spatio-temporal 2D-Model for pedestrian motion analysis in monocular sequences. In: 4th international conference on Articulated motion and deformable objects; 11-14 July 2006, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain. ISBN 9783540360315
Smallbone, David (2006) Foreign direct investment and SME development: some policy issues for transition and developing countries. In: Entrepreneurship in United Europe: Challenges and Opportunities; 13-17 Sep 2006, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria.
Blackburn, Robert, Eadson, William, Lefebvre, Rock and Gans, Philip (2006) SMEs, regulation and the role of the accountant. (Technical Report) London, U.K. : ACCA. 72 p. (ACCA Research Report, no. 96) ISBN 1859084303
Wilson, Nicholas C. and Stokes, David (2006) Entrepreneurship education: the road less travelled. (Working Paper) Birmingham, UK : National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE). 17 p.