Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (until 2017) > School of Architecture and Landscape"

Darling, Elizabeth (2000) What the tenants think of Kensal House: Experts' assumptions versus inhabitants' realities in the modern home. Journal of Architectural Education, 53(3), pp. 167-177. ISSN (print) 1046-4883
Mcdermott, Catherine (2000) Introduction : a wearable fashion. In: Kilfoyle, Mark, (ed.) Vivienne Westwood : a London fashion. London : Philip Wilson. pp. 9-11. ISBN 0856675253
Munro, Simon [Artist] and Rees, Dai [Collaborator] (2000) British designers: from monarchy to anarchy. British designers: from monarchy to anarchy. , 12 Nov 2000 - 11 Feb 2001 , Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA..
Oreszczyn, Tadj and Pretlove, Stephen (2000) Mould index. In: Rudge, Janet and Nicol, Fergus, (eds.) Cutting the cost of cold. Abingdon, U.K. : Spon Press. pp. 122-133. ISBN 0419250506
Pretlove, Stephen Edward Charles (2000) Predicting relative humidity in UK dwellings. (PhD thesis), University of London, .