Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (until 2017) > Real Estate Research Centre"

Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2012) Service charges in commercial property : measuring code compliance. Facilities, 30(11/12), pp. 488-503. ISSN (print) 0263-2772
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bond, Peter (2012) Changing practice in accounting for service charges in commercial property : a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 8(2), pp. 186-209. ISSN (print) 1832-5912
Horrocks, David and Pointing, John (2012) Licensing and public nusisance. Acoustics Bulletin, 37(6), pp. 23-26. ISSN (print) 0308-437X
Pointing, John and Teinaz, Yunes (2012) Meat crimes in the UK. The Meat Hygienist(155), pp. 7-9. ISSN (print) 0308-7050
Sayce, Sarah, Walford, Nigel and Garside, Peter (2012) Residential development on gardens in England: their role in providing sustainable housing supply. Land Use Policy, 29(4), pp. 771-780. ISSN (print) 0264-8377