Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (until 2017) > Modern Interiors Research Centre (MIRC)"

Carrigan, James and Micklethwaite, Paul (2010) 7.9 cubic metres: a gallery within a gallery. KIOSK(4), pp. 64-73. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Fisher, Fiona (2010) Viewing the institutional interior through the pages of Living London. In: Inhabiting institutions in Britain 1700-1950; 14-15 Sep 2010, London, U.K..
Lohmann, Julia and Micklethwaite, Paul (2010) Laminarium. KIOSK(4), pp. 84-93. ISSN (print) 1755-9626
Massey, Anne (2010) Chair. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books Ltd. 224p. (Objekt) ISBN 9781861897589
Massey, Anne and Turpin, John (2010) Editorial introduction. Interiors: Design, Architecture and Culture, 1(1-2), pp. 5-6. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Massey, Anne (2010) Ephemeral. In: Peressut, Luca Basso , Forino, Imma , Postiglione, Gennaro and Rizzi, Roberto, (eds.) Interior wor(l)ds. Torino, Italy : Allemandi University Press. pp. 161-165. 1 ISBN 9788842219354
Penner, Barbara and Rice, Charles (2010) The Conder Room: evidencing the interior's dissolution. In: O'Neill, Morna and Hatt, Michael, (eds.) The Edwardian sense: art, design, and performance in Britain, 1901-1910. New Haven, U.S. : Yale University Press. pp. 127-133. (Studies in British Art, (20)) ISBN 9780300163353
Rice, Charles (2010) On historical versus material objects, or, what it means to care rather than simply to clean. Interiors: Design, Architecture and Culture, 1(1-2), pp. 19-28. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Rice, Charles (2010) On message: an interview with Michael Chertoff. Architectural Design, 80(5), pp. 124-125. ISSN (print) 0003-8504
Rice, Charles (2010) The space-time of pre-emption: an interview with Brian Massumi. Architectural Design, 80(5), pp. 32-37. ISSN (print) 0003-8504
Sparke, Penny (2010) Designing 'taste': domestic consumption, modernism and modernity. In: Mattsson, Helena and Wallenstein, Sven-Olov, (eds.) Swedish modernism: architecture, consumption and the welfare state. London, U.K. : Black Dog Publishing Limited. pp. 112-121. ISBN 9781906155988
Sparke, Penny (2010) Framing the modern woman: Elsie de Wolfe, from clothes horse to interior decorator. In: Myzelev, Alla and Potvin, John, (eds.) Fashion, interior design and the contours of modern identity. London, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 205-224. ISBN 9780754669159
Sparke, Penny (2010) The modern interior: a space, a place or a matter of taste? Interiors: Design, Architecture and Culture, 1(1-2), pp. 7-17. ISSN (print) 2041-9112