Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing"

Al-Raihani, Huda, Durand, Bernard, Chassagneux, Fernand and Inman, Douglas (1996) A novel preparation of calcia fully stabilised zirconia from molten alkali-metal nitrate. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 6(3), pp. 495-500. ISSN (print) 0959-9428
Millar, Ross W. and Philbin, Simon P. (1996) An environmentally-friendly route to nitramines and nitrate esters via nitrodesilylation chemistry using dinitrogen pentoxide. In: 27th International Annual Conference of ICT; 25-28 Jun 1996, Karlsruhe, Germany. (Unpublished)
Shiode, Narushige (1996) セルネットワーク構造をもちいた仮想都市空間の構築 = [Construction of a virtual city on computer network]. 地理情報システム学会講演論文集 = [Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association of Japan], 5, pp. 147-150.