Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education"

Bacon, Ingrid (2013) The individual experience of codependency. An interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: British Psychological Society Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section Conference 2013 : Making a Difference, Making ourselves Known; 04-06 Sep 2013, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Galea, M.N., Weinman, J.A., White, C. and Bearne, L.M. (2013) Do behaviour-change techniques contribute to the effectiveness of exercise therapy in patients with intermittent claudication? A systematic review. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 46(1), pp. 132-141. ISSN (print) 1078-5884
Ivtzan, Itai, Gardner, Hannah E., Bernard, Izra, Sekhon, Mandeep and Hart, Rona (2013) Wellbeing through self-fulfilment : Examining developmental aspects of self-actualization. The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(2), pp. 119-132. ISSN (print) 0887-3267
Jones, Ray (2013) How to privatise child protection in six easy stages. The Guardian : Second thoughts,
McClinchy, Jane, Dickinson, Angela, Barron, Duncan and Thomas, Hilary (2013) Practitioner and patient experiences of giving and receiving healthy eating advice. British Journal of Community Nursing, 18(10), pp. 498-504. ISSN (print) 1462-4753
Ramalhal, Tereas, Lagarto, Ana, Matos, Ana, Cruz, Helena and Ribeiro, Hortense (2013) Transition to parenthood : nursing intervention to promote paternal competences. Nursing Education, Research, & Practice, 3(5), pp. 164-169. ISSN (print) 2029-705X
Stroubouki, Theodora G. [Reviewer] (2013) Book Review of 'Translation of evidence into nursing and health care practice' by Kathleen M. White & Sharon Dudley-Brown. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), p. 10. ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Stroumpouki, Theodora G. [Reviewer] (2013) Book Review of: 'Adult nursing practice : using evidence in care' by Ian Bullock, Jill Macleod Clark & Jo Rycroft-Malone. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(5), e20. ISSN (print) 1471-5953