Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"

Bernaz, Nadia and Dominguez Redondo, Elvira (2015) Guest post : General Court of the European Union annuls the EU-Morocco Free Trade Agreement on human rights grounds but forgets self-determination. Opinio Juris,
Caless, Brian and Tong, Stephen (2015) Leading policing in Europe : an empirical study of police leadership. European Police Science and Research Bulletin, 12, pp. 13-17. ISSN (print) 2443-7883
Capps, Gavin and Mnwana, Sonwabile (2015) Claims from below : platinum and the politics of land in the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela traditional authority area. Review of African Political Economy, 42(146), pp. 606-624. ISSN (print) 0305-6244
Capps, Gavin (2015) Labour in the time of platinum. Review of African Political Economy, 42(146), pp. 497-507. ISSN (print) 0305-6244
Edgin, Jamie O., Tooley, Ursula, Demara, Bianca, Nyhuis, Casandra, Anand, Payal and Spano, Goffredina (2015) Sleep disturbance and expressive language development in preschool‐age children With Down syndrome. Child Development, 86(6), pp. 1984-1998. ISSN (print) 0009-3920
Mason, Gina Marie, Spanó, Goffredina and Edgin, Jamie (2015) Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Down syndrome : effects of the dopamine receptor D4 gene. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 120(1), pp. 58-71. ISSN (print) 1944-7515
Morris, Max and Anderson, Eric (2015) 'Charlie is so cool like' : authenticity, popularity and inclusive masculinity on YouTube. Sociology, 49(6), pp. 1200-1217. ISSN (print) 0038-0385
Olmos Giupponi, Belen (2015) ICSID tribunals and sovereign debt restructuring-related litigation : mapping the further implications of the 'Alemanni' decision. ICSID Review, 30(3), pp. 556-588. ISSN (print) 0258-3690
Ortega, Javier and Verdugo, Gregory (2015) Assimilation in multilingual cities. Journal of Population Economics, 28(3), pp. 785-815. ISSN (print) 0933-1433
Roberts, Ron (2015) Ron Roberts reflects on psychology's ambivalent relationship to conflict. Psychology Cultures,
Sagar, Tracey, Jones, Deborah, Symons, Katrien, Bowring, Joanne and Roberts, Ron (2015) Student participation in the sex industry : higher education responses and staff experiences and perceptions. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37(4), pp. 400-412. ISSN (print) 1360-080X
Silva Souza, Luiz Gustavo, Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith and Menandro, Paulo Rogerio Meira (2015) O alcoolismo, suas causas e tratemento nas representacoes sociais de profissionais de Saude da Familia = Alcoholism, its causes and treatment in the social representations constructed by Brazilian Family Health professionals. Physis : Revista de Saude Coletiva, 25(4), pp. 1335-1360. ISSN (print) 0103-7331
Silvestri, Marisa (2015) Book review of 'The Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime' edited by R. Gartner and B. McCarthy. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 54(5), pp. 533-535. ISSN (print) 0265-5527
Dunn, Bill (2015) Neither free trade nor protection : a critical political economy of trade theory and practice. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781783471928
Roberts, Ron (2015) Psychology and capitalism : the manipulation of mind. Winchester, U.K. : Zero Books. 125p. ISBN 9781782796541
Tong, Stephen, Graça, Sofia, Lawton-Barrett, Kevin, O'Neill, Martin, Underwood, Robert and Wood, Dominic (2015) Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2016. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 656p. ISBN 9780198743316
Tong, Stephen and Caless, Bryn (2015) Leading policing in Europe : an empirical study of police leadership. Bristol, U.K. : Policy Press and Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781447315728
Book Section
Castellino, Joshua and Domínguez-Redondo, Elvira (2015) The Declaration and its guidance : a view from South Asia. In: Caruso, Ugo and Hofmann, Rainer, (eds.) The United Nations Declaration on Minorities : an academic account on the occasion of its 20th Anniversary (1992-2012). Leiden, Netherlands : Brill. pp. 283-305. (Studies in International Minority and Group Rights, (9)) ISBN 9789004251557
Rincon-Aznar, Ana, Vecchi, Michela and Venturini, Francesco (2015) Functional income distribution in European transition countries. In: Perugini, Cristiano and Pompei, Fabrizio, (eds.) Inequalities during and after transition in Central and Eastern Europe. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 59-92. (Studies in Economic Transition (SET)) ISBN 9781137460974
Zloteanu, Mircea (2015) The role of emotions in detecting deception. In: Williams, Emma and Sheeha, Iman, (eds.) Deception : an interdisciplinary exploration. Oxford, U.K. : Brill. pp. 203-217. ISBN 9781848883543
Conference or Workshop Item
Bullock, Josh (2015) The Sunday Assembly : creating community among the nonreligious. In: Foundations and Futures : British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference; 07 – 09 Jul 2015, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Tong, S. and Silvestri, M. (2015) Women and police leadership : a European insight. In: European Society of Criminology Conference; 02 - 05 Sep 2015, Porto, Portugal.
Baeyens Caro, Angelita, Openshaw, Eleanor, Dominguez-Redondo, Elvira and Figari Layus, Rosario (2015) En defensa de la vida : conclusiones de la Misión de Observación Civil sobre la situación de las personas defensoras en México 2015 = [In defense of life : civil observation mission report on the situation of human rights defenders in Mexico 2015]. (Other) Mexico City, Mexico : CMDPDH. 136 p. ISBN 9786079552879
Mnwana, Sonwabile and Capps, Gavin (2015) 'No chief ever bought a piece of land!' Struggles over property, community and mining in the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela Traditional Authority Area, North West Province. (Working Paper) Johannesburg, South Africa : Society Work and Development Institute (SWOP Institute) University of Witwatersrand. 46 p. (Working paper, no. 3)