Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017)"

Bailey, Joe, ed. (1998) Social Europe. 2nd ed. Harlow, U.K. : Longman. 280p. (Longman sociology series) ISBN 9780582316096
Bailey, Joe (1998) Social Europe: unity and diversity - an introduction. In: Bailey, Joe, (ed.) Social Europe. 2nd ed. Harlow, U.K. : Longman. pp. 1-14. (Longman sociology series) ISBN 9780582316096
Beck, Peter (1998) Politicians versus historians: Lord Avon's appeasement battle against "lamentably, appeasement-minded" historians. Twentieth Century British History, 9(3), pp. 396-419. ISSN (print) 0955-2359
Betteridge, Thomas (1998) Making new novelties old: Marian histories of the Henrician Reformation. Reformation, 3, pp. 149-174. ISSN (print) 1357-4175
Chuah, J.C.T. (1998) Law of international trade. London, U.K. : Sweet & Maxwell. 455p. ISBN 0421604409
Fouskas, Vassilis (1998) Italy, Europe, the Left: the transformation of Italian communism and the European imperative. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing. 253p. ISBN 9781840144505
Fouskas, Vassilis (1998) The muffled voice of the new PASOK: reflections on neo-revisionist socialism in Greece. South European Society & Politics, 3(1), pp. 130-141. ISSN (print) 1360-8746
Jones, Kevin [Composer] (1998) Passing the summer at the thatched hall of the inkwell. (Score).
Löschmann, Martin and Stroinska, Magda, eds. (1998) Stereotype im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang. 258p. (Deutsch als Fremdsprache in der Diskussion, 4) ISBN 3631312563
Roberts, Ron (1998) Culture shock and jet lag do not explain neuropsychiatric side effects of mefloquine. British Medical Journal (BMJ), 316, p. 1980. ISSN (print) 1759-2151
Sassoon, A.S. (1998) Family, civil society, state: Is Gramsci's concept of 'societa-civile' still relevant? Philosophical Forum, 29(3-4), pp. 206-217. ISSN (print) 0031-806X
Sassoon, Anne Showstack (1998) Political participation, political rights and the politics of daily life. In: Beck, Wolfgang , van der Maesen, Laurent and Walker, Alan, (eds.) The social quality of Europe. paperback. Bristol, U.K. : Policy Press. pp. 215-229. ISBN 1861340869
Smith, Johanna M. (1998) Degeneration and eugenics: late-Victorian discourses of the ending of the race. Australasian Victorian Studies Journal, 4, pp. 55-66. ISSN (print) 1327-8746
Spencer, Philip and Wollman, Howard (1998) Good and bad nationalisms: a critique of dualism. Journal of Political Ideologies, 3(3), pp. 255-274. ISSN (print) 1356-9317
Stroinska, Magda (1998) Them and us: on cognitive and pedagogical aspects of the language-based stereotyping. In: Stroinska, Magda and Löschmann, Martin, (eds.) Stereotype im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 35-58. ISBN 3631312563
Thompson, Nicola Diane (1998) The many faces of Wuthering Heights: 1847-1997. Bronte Society Transactions, 23(1), pp. 31-45. ISSN (print) 0309-7765
Trigg, Andrew [Commentator] and Wells, Julian [Commentator] (1998) Understanding economic behaviour: the pursuit of happiness. (speech). Milton Keynes, U.K. : The Open University.
Wells, Julian [Commentator] and Mackintosh, Maureen [Commentator] (1998) Understanding economic behaviour: industry, innovation and the City. (speech). Milton Keynes, U.K. : The Open University.