Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics (until 2011) > Digital Imaging Research Centre (DIRC)"

Jones, Graeme A. (1997) Constraint, optimization, and hierarchy: reviewing stereoscopic correspondence of complex features. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 65(1), pp. 57-78. ISSN (print) 1077-3142
Book Section
Austin, J, Giacinto, G, Kanellopoulos, I., Lees, K, Roli, F, Vernazza, G and Wilkinson, G. (1997) The COMPARES Project: connectionist methods for preprocessing and analysis of remote sensing data. In: Del Bimbo, Alberto, (ed.) Image Analysis and Processing. Springer-Verlag. pp. 765-772. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1311) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540635086
Owen, Christopher J, Ellis, Timothy J. and Woodward, E. Geoffrey (1997) Automated extraction of morphological and morphometric characteristics of the conjunctival vasculature. In: Lass, Jonathan H., (ed.) Advances in Corneal Research: Selected transactions of the World Corneal Congress on the Cornea IV. New York, USA : Plenum Press. pp. 73-86. ISBN 0306457636
Wilkinson, G.G. (1997) Neurocomputing for Earth observation - recent developments and future challenges. In: Fischer, M. M. and Getis, A., (eds.) Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis: Spatial Statistics, Behavioural Modelling and Computational Intelligence. Berlin, Germany : Springer Verlag. pp. 289-305. (Advances in Spatial Science) ISBN 3540631801
Conference or Workshop Item
Cotter, J. and Jones, G.A. (1997) Intelligent retrieval and storage of outdoor events derived from video. In: IEE Colloquium on Image Processing for Security Applications; 10 Mar 1997, London, U.K..
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F., Hatfield, Fraser N. and Rashidi, Mehdi (1997) Stochastic approach to texture analysis using probabilistic neural networks and Markov random fields. In: Applications of Digital Image Processing XX; 30 July - 1 Aug 1997, San Diego, U.S.A.. (Proceedings of SPIE, no. 3164) ISSN (print) 0277-786X
Giaccone, P.R. and Jones, G.A. (1997) Feed-forward estimation of optical flow. In: 6th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications; 14-17 Jul 1997, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 085296692X
Giaccone, P.R. and Jones, G.A. (1997) Spatio-Temporal approaches to computation of optical flow. In: Eighth British Machine Vision Conference; 8 Sept - 11 Sept 1997, Colchester, U.K.. ISBN 0952189879
Greenhill, D. and Jones, G. (1997) Automatic analysis of Young's fringes. In: 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis - Across the Borders: Future Directions in Image Analysis (SCIA 97); 09 - 11 Jun 1997, Lappeenranta, Finland. ISBN 9789517641456
Hall, J., Greenhill, D. and Jones, G.A. (1997) Supervised Segmentation of Cinematographic Sequences using Active Surfaces. In: Image analysis for multimedia interactive services: WIAMIS'97; 24-25 Jun 1997, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Monekosso, N.D. and Remagnino, P. (1997) Automated reasoning on-board autonomous spacecraft. In: 5th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence; 17 Sept – 19 Sept 1997, Rome, Italy. ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540635765
Rashidi, Mehdi, Dickenson, Eric, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Daemi, Mohammad F. (1997) Automatic vision system for analysis of microscopic behavior of flow and transport in porous media. In: Applications of Digital Image Processing XX; 30 July - 1 Aug 1997, San Diego, U.S.A.. (Proceedings of SPIE, no. 3164) ISSN (print) 0277-786X
Rashidi, Mehdi, Dickenson, Eric, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F. and Cole, Larry (1997) Color image analysis of contaminants and bacteria transport in porous media. In: Algorithms, Devices, and Systems for Optical Information Processing; 28 - 29 July 1997, San Diego, U.S.A.. (Proceedings of SPIE, no. 3159) ISSN (print) 0277-786X
Remagnino, Paolo, Baumberg, Adam, Grove, T., Hogg, David, Tan, T.N., Worrall, Anthony D. and Baker, Keith D. (1997) An integrated traffic and pedestrian model-based vision system. In: British Machine Vision Conference; 1997, Essex, U.K.. ISBN 9780952189879
Sanderson, J G, Teal, M K and Ellis, T.J. (1997) Target identification in complex maritime scenes. In: Sixth International Conference on Image Processing and Its Applications; 14 July - 17 July 1997, Dublin, Ireland. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 085296692X
Steidler, S., Hadavinia, H., Durodola, J. and Beevers, A. (1997) Stiffness characteristics of adhesive joints in vehicle body structures: a comparison between FE models and experimental measurement. In: Mechanical behaviour of adhesive joints: analysis, testing and design. 38th Euromech Colloquium; 4-6 Sept 1997, Nevers, France. (Euromech Colloquium, no. 358)
Teal, M.K. and Ellis, T.J. (1997) Occlusion prediction based on target dynamics and spatial reasoning. In: Sixth International Conference on Image Processing and Its Applications; 14 Jul - 17 Jul 1997, Dublin, Ireland. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 085296692X
Thompson, S. J. and Safa, M.M.A. (1997) Development of an automated high accuracy pH measuring instruments with full audit reporting facility. In: Factory 2000 - The Technology Exploitation Process, Fifth International Conference; 2-4 April 1997, Cambridge, UK. (IEE Conference Publications, no. 435) ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852966822
Nebel, Jean-Christophe (1997) Developpement de techniques de lancer de rayon dans des geometries 3D adaptees aux machines massivement paralleles. (PhD thesis), L'Universite de St-Etienne, .