Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Engineering (until 2011) > Applied Engineering Research Centre (AERC)"

Gawne, D.T., Zhang, T. and Liu, B. (2002) Computational analysis of the influence of a substrate, solid shield and gas shroud on the flow field of a plasma jet. Surface and Coatings Technology, 153(2-3), pp. 138-147. ISSN (print) 0257-8972
Liu, F. and Wen, J.X. (2002) The effect of turbulence modelling on the CFD simulation of buoyant diffusion flames. Fire Safety Journal, 37(2), pp. 125-150. ISSN (print) 0379-7112
Yao, Y.F. and Sandham, N.D. (2002) Direct numerical simulation of turbulent trailing-edge flow with base flow control. AIAA Journal, 40(9), pp. 1708-1716. ISSN (print) 0001-1452