Items where Kingston Author is "Wilkinson, Graeme"

Greenhill, D.R., Ripke, L.T., Hitchman, A.P., Jones, G.A and Wilkinson, G.G. (2003) Characterization of suburban areas for land use planning using landscape ecological indicators derived from IKONOS-2 multispectral imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(9), pp. 2015-2021. ISSN (print) 0196-2892
Greenhill, D., Ripke, L.T., Hitchman, A.P., Jones, G.A. and Wilkinson, G.G. (2003) Use of Lacunarity index to characterize suburban areas for land use planning using IKONOS-2 multispectral imagery. In: 2nd GRS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas; 22 May - 23 May 2003, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 0780377192
Wilkinson, Graeme (2001) Spatial Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing by Neural Networks. In: Fischer, Manfred M. and Leung, Yee, (eds.) Geocomputational Modelling - Techniques and Applications. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag. pp. 145-164. (Advances in Spatial Science) ISBN 3540419683
Shepherd, I., Wilkinson, G. and Thompson, J. (2000) Monitoring surface water storage in the north Kent marshes using Landsat TM images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21(9), pp. 1843-1865. ISSN (print) 0143-1161
Kanellopoulos, I. , Wilkinson, G.G. and Moons, T., eds. (1999) Machine vision and advanced image processing in remote sensing: proceedings of Concerted Action MAVIRIC (Machine vision in remotely sensed image comprehension). Heidelberg, Germany : Springer-Verlag. 335p. ISBN 3540655719
Wilkinson, Graeme G. (1999) Recent developments in remote sensing technology and the importance of computer vision analysis techniques. In: Kanellopoulos, I. , Wilkinson, G. G. and Moons, T., (eds.) Machine vision and advanced image processing in remote sensing: proceedings of Concerted Action MAVIRIC (Machine vision in remotely sensed image comprehension). Heidelberg, Germany : Springer Verlag. pp. 5-11. ISBN 3540655719
Mineter, M., Wilkinson, G. G., Dowers, S. and Healey, R. G. (1998) Implementation case study I: generalization of raster data. In: Healey, R. G. , Dowers, S. , Gittings, B. and Mineter, M. J., (eds.) Parallel Processing Algorithms for GIS. London, U.K. : Taylor and Francis. pp. 311-330. ISBN 9780748405091
Bernard, A.C., Wilkinson, G.G. and Kanellopoulos, I. (1997) Training strategies for neural network soft classification of remotely-sensed imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(8), pp. 1851-1856. ISSN (print) 0143-1161
Kanellopoulos, I. and Wilkinson, G.G. (1997) Strategies and best practice for neural network image classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(4), pp. 711-725. ISSN (print) 0143-1161
Kanellopoulos, I. , Wilkinson, G.G. , Roli, F. and Austin, J., eds. (1997) Neurocomputation in remote sensing data analysis : proceedings of concerted action COMPARES (connectionist methods for pre-processing and analysis of remote sensing data). New York, U.S. : Springer-Verlag. 287p. ISBN 3540633162
Wilkinson, G.G. (1997) Neurocomputing for Earth observation - recent developments and future challenges. In: Fischer, M. M. and Getis, A., (eds.) Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis: Spatial Statistics, Behavioural Modelling and Computational Intelligence. Berlin, Germany : Springer Verlag. pp. 289-305. (Advances in Spatial Science) ISBN 3540631801
Wilkinson, Graeme (1997) Open questions in neurocomputing for Earth observation. In: Kanellopoulos, I. , Wilkinson, G. G. , Roli, F. and Austin, J., (eds.) Neurocomputation in Remote Sensing Data Analysis. New York, U.S. : Springer Verlag. pp. 3-13. ISBN 3540633162
Wilkinson, G.G. (1997) Parallel processing approaches in remotely sensed image analysis. In: Healey, R. G. , Dowers, S. , Gittings, B. and Mineter, M.J., (eds.) Parallel Processing Algorithms for GIS. London, U.K. : Taylor and Francis. pp. 415-437. ISBN 9780748405091
Wilkinson, G.G. (1996) A review of current issues in the integration of GIS and remote sensing data. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 10(1), pp. 85-101. ISSN (print) 0296-3798