Items where Kingston Author is "Ennals, Richard"

Ennals, Richard (2020) A strategic health initiative : context for Coronavirus. AI & Society, ISSN (print) 0951-5666 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Ennals, Richard (2018) Bjorn Gustavsen : democratic dialogue and development. In: Szabla, David B , Pasmore, William A. , Barnes, Mary A. and Gipson, Asha N., (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of organizational change thinkers. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 555-573. ISBN 9783319528779
Ennals, John Richard (2013) Collaborative advantage. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 374-378. ISBN 9783642280351
Ennals, John Richard (2013) Social convoy. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2200-2203. ISBN 9783642280351
Ennals, John Richard (2013) Social dialogue. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2203-2206. ISBN 9783642280351
Ennals, John Richard (2013) Social partnership. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2235-2238. ISBN 9783642280351
Ennals, John Richard (2013) Soft law. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2270-2273. ISBN 9783642280351
Ennals, John Richard (2013) UN Global Compact. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2589-2592. ISBN 9783642280351
Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann and Ennals, Richard, eds. (2012) Creating collaborative advantage: innovation and knowledge creation in regional economies. Farnham, U.K. : Gower Publishing Limited. 268p. ISBN 9781409403333
Ennals, Richard (2012) Book Review of: 'The social organization: how to use social media to tap the collective genius of your customers and employees' by A.J. Bradley and M.P. McDonald. International Journal of Information Management, 32(2), p. 203. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart James and Ennals, Richard (2011) Book Review of: 'Ethics protocols and research ethics committees: successfully obtaining approval for your academic research' by D. Remenyi, N. Swan and B. Van Dem Assem. International Journal of Information Management, 31(5), pp. 488-489. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Ennals, Richard and Koksal, Hayal (2011) Creating collaborative advantage through students' quality circles. In: IAMB Conference; 16 - 18 Jun 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard and De Oliveira, Melissa (2011) Students' quality circles in a borderless world. In: Scanning the Horizons: Institutional Research in a Borderless World. The 4th UK and Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research Network Conference; 16-17 Jun 2011, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H. (2011) Concluding remarks from the editors. In: Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., (eds.) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 283-287. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H. (2011) Editors introduction. In: Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., (eds.) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 11-12. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Ennals, Richard (2011) Labour issues and corporate social responsibility. In: Idowu, Samuel O. and Louche, Celine, (eds.) Theory and practice of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer. pp. 143-158. ISBN 9783642164606
Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., eds. (2011) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. 292p. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Ennals, Richard and Hilsen, Anne Inga (2011) Older workers: the jam in the sandwich. In: Ennals, Richard and Salomon, Robert H., (eds.) Older workers in a sustainable society. Frankfurt am Main, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 245-252. (Labour, Education & Society, (21)) ISSN (print) 1861-647X ISBN 9783631614808
Nahai, Rebekah, Osterberg, Sophie and Ennals, Richard (2011) A perspective from a student's quality circle. In: Teixeira, Roccio M., (ed.) Higher education in a state of crisis. New York, U.S. : Nova Science. pp. 185-203. (Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World) ISBN 9781612096865
Ennals, Richard, Totterdill, Peter and Parrington, Robert (2010) Can knowledge be transferred? In: Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2010; 07 - 08 Dec 2010, Coventry, U.K.. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, no. 9) ISBN 9783642205071
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart James and Ennals, Richard (2010) Book Review of: Capitalism 4.0: the birth of a new economy by A. Kaletsky. International Journal of Information Management, 30(6), pp. 575-576. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Ennals, Richard (2010) Creating collaborative advantage: students' quality circles. In: 13th International Convention on Students Quality Control Circles; 01 - 03 Nov 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Ennals, Richard, Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann and Normann, Roger (2010) Creating collaborative advantage: programme learning. In: 5th International Seminar on Regional Innovation Policies; 14 - 15 Oct 2010, Grimstad, Norway. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard and Hilsen, A.I. (2010) Older workers: the jam in the sandwich. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard and Hilsen, Anne Inga (2010) Older workers: the jam in the sandwich. In: Older Workers in a Sustainable Society - Great Needs and Great Potentials; 9 -11 June 2010, Oslo, Norway.
Ennals, Richard (2010) Book Review of: True enough: learning to live in a post-fact society by F. Manjoo. International Journal of Information Management, 30(2), p. 180. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Ennals, Richard (2010) Knowledge for sale. In: Ethics & Knowledge Exchange (EKE) Workshop; 04 Mar 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Pishdar, Sardar and Ennals, Richard [Editor] (2010) Kurdistan and politics of oil resources. New ed. Milton Keyenes, U.K. : AuthorHouse. 479p. ISBN 9781434323583
Ennals, Richard (2010) Perplexity, ecology and technology. In: Lowe, Sid, (ed.) Managing in changing times: a guide for the perplexed manager. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 179-192. ISBN 9788132102335
Esmi, Reza and Ennals, Richard (2009) Knowledge management in the construction companies in the UK. AI & Society, 24(2), pp. 197-203. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (2009) Book Review of 'Online dispute resolution: technology management and legal practice from an international perspective' by Fay Fangfei. International Journal of Information Management, 29(2), pp. 166-167. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Augustinaitis, Arunas, Ennals, Richard, Malinauskiene, Egle and Petrauskas, Rimantas (2009) E-redesigning of society: towards experiential connectivity of generations in Lithuania. AI & Society, 23(1), pp. 41-50. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (2009) Editorial: The enlightened workplace. AI & Society, 23(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard, Stratton, Les, Moujahid, Noura and Kovela, Serhiy (2009) Global information technology and global citizenship education. AI & Society, 23(1), pp. 61-68. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Hilsen, Anne Inga and Ennals, Richard (2009) Virtual Links: intergenerational learning and experience sharing across age divides and distances. AI & Society, 23(1), pp. 33-40. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann, Normann, Roger, Karlsen, James and Ennals, Richard (2009) Democratic innovation. In: Nolin, Thomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 397-449. ISBN 9781607410362
Claussen, Tor, Haga, Trond and Ennals, Richard (2009) Integrated innovation. In: Nolin, Tomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 19-88. ISBN 9781607410362
Totterdill, Peter, Ennals, Richard, Exton, Rosemary and Hague, Jeremy (2009) Partnership for a new organisation of work: towards a strategy for the English regions. In: Nolin, Tomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 349-396. ISBN 9781607410362
Ennals, Richard and Kathrani, Paresh (2008) International human rights and globalisation: the dawn of a new age? In: 9th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World. 5th Global Symposium: Awakening Planetary Consciousness.; 12-15 Dec 2008, Lucknow, India.
Ennals, Richard and Haga, Trond (2008) Missing links for development: student quality circles and network orchestration. In: 1st National Convention on Student Quality Circles; Nov 2008, Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Claussen, Tor, Haga, Trond and Ennals, Richard (2008) Integrated and participatory innovation. (Working Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 436 p. ISBN 9781872058290
Ennals, Richard (2008) The Fifth Generation and training strategies. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(2), pp. 304-310. ISSN (print) 0007-1013
Ennals, Richard (2008) Silence and citizenship. In: Johnsen, H.C.G. , Dragseth, T. , Johannessen, O. and Lysgård, H. K., (eds.) Kritikkens forgreninger: om samfunnskritikk i litteratur og samfunnsvitenskap. Kristiansand, Norway : Høyskoleforlaget. pp. 149-158. ISBN 9788276345919
Ennals, R. (2007) Book Review of: Plundering the public sector by David Craig with Richard Brooks. International Journal of Information Management, 27(3), pp. 216-217. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Ennals, Richard (2007) The meaning of silence. AI & Society, 21(4), pp. 625-632. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (2007) From slavery to citizenship. Chichester : John Wiley. 417p. ISBN 9780470028322
Gustavsen, Bjørn , Nyhan, Barry and Ennals, Richard, eds. (2007) Learning together for local innovation: promoting learning regions. Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 276p. (CEDEFOP reference series, 68) ISSN (print) 1608-7089 ISBN 9289603933
Göranzon, Bo , Hammaren, Maria and Ennals, Richard, eds. (2006) Dialogue, skill and tacit knowledge. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 358p. ISBN 0470019212
Hilsen, Anne Inga and Ennals, Richard (2005) Age, mobility, and knowledge: an action research approach. AI & Society, 19(4), pp. 552-557. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
McEwan, Anne-Marie and Ennals, Richard (2005) Building social capital and regional innovation through healthy working centres? An investigation in the South East of England. AI & Society, 19(4), pp. 348-361. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (2005) Editorial: Mobility, technology and development. AI & Society, 19(4), pp. 331-333. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Gulbinat, Walter, Ennals, Richard, Sartorius, Norman, Silberberg, Donald, Baingana, Florence, Manderscheid, Ronald, Carroll, Christopher and Morigami, Muriami (2005) Health and psychosocial consequences of abrupt economic change: an international collaborative project. AI & Society, 19(4), pp. 558-562. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2005) Knowledge economy: lessons from an international MBA programme. Informacijos Mokslai [Information Sciences], 33, pp. 68-75. ISSN (print) 1392-0561
Ennals, Richard (2004) Europe as a knowledge society: integrating universities, corporations, and government. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 17(3), pp. 237-248. ISSN (print) 1094-429X
Ennals, Richard (2004) Job insecurity and union membership. UK WON Journal, pp. 10-12. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Ennals, Richard (2004) Regional workplaced forums for the modernisation of work. In: Fricke, Werner and Totterdill, Peter, (eds.) Action research in workplace innovation and regional development. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 289-312. (Dialogues on work and innovation) ISBN 9789027217851
Ennals, Richard (2003) Book Review of: 'Labour flexibility: a factor of the economic and social performance of Finland in the 1990s' by P. Koistinen and W. Sengberger (eds.). Regional Studies, 37(2), p. 215. ISSN (print) 0034-3404
Ennals, Richard (2003) Innovationsstrategien und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit [Innovation strategies and workplace health]. In: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsstelle , Staman, Joland and Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Haus, (eds.) Hauptsache gesund! Münster, Germany : LIT Verlag. pp. 41-48. (Jahrbuch für Arbeit und Menschenwürde, (4)) ISBN 3825865983
Ennals, Richard (2003) Knowledge management with a human face: the university as a community of practice. Concepts and Transformation, 8(2), pp. 163-178. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Ennals, Richard (2002) Policy weaknesses: lack of capacity to encourage and support the modernisation of work. UK WON Journal, 3, pp. 12-16. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Ennals, Richard (2002) Partnership for sustainable healthy workplaces: Warner Lecture, British Occupational Hygiene Society, Sheffield 9 April 2002. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 46(4), pp. 423-428. ISSN (print) 0003-4878
Ennals, Richard (2002) Partnership for sustainable healthy workplaces. In: Meeting of the British Occupatonal Hygiene Society; 09 Apr 2002, Sheffield, U.K..
Ennals, Richard (2002) Bortom all kompetens [Beyond all competence]. In: Tillberg, Peter, (ed.) Dialoger: om yrkeskunnande och teknologi. Stockholm, Sweden : Dialoger. pp. 201-205. ISBN 9197316954
Ennals, Richard (2002) Health and safety: the balance of work and leisure in industry. UK WON Journal, 3, pp. 25-27. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Ennals, Richard, Totterdill, Peter and Ford, Campbell (2002) The Work Research Foundation: a national coalition for working life and organizational competence. Concepts and Transformation, 6(3), pp. 259-273. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Ennals, Richard (2001) Art and wealth: philosophicla dialgue, performance version. In: Goranzon, Bo and Hammaren, Maria, (eds.) Ideas and entrepreneurship: cultures in Dialogue. Stockholm : Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. pp. 56-65. (KTH Advanced Programme in Reflective Practice)
McEwan, Anne-Marie and Ennals, Richard (2001) Editorial: AI & Society special issue on work organisation. AI & Society, 15(1-2), pp. 1-3. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard and Knave, Bengt (2001) Europe and working life. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 7(2), pp. 165-168. ISSN (print) 1077-3525
Ennals, Richard, ed. (2001) Work Life 2000 Yearbook 3: 2001. London, U.K. : Springer. 236p. ISBN 1852333839
Knave, Bengt and Ennals, Richard (2001) Working life across cultures: "Work Life 2000: Quality in Work" and occupational health education in developing countries. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 7(4), pp. 435-448. ISSN (print) 1080-3548
Ennals, Richard, ed. (2000) Work Life 2000 Yearbook 2: 2000. London : Springer. 256p. ISBN 1852332905
Mazzonis, Danielle and Ennals, Richard (1999) The Emilia-Romagna model of development coalitions. Concepts and Transformation, 4(1), pp. 57-68. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Ennals, Richard and Gustavsen, Björn (1999) Regionale Entwicklungskoalitionen: Konzept und Erfahrungen [Regional development coalitions]. In: Fricke, Werner, (ed.) Arbeitsorganisation, regionale Entwicklung und industrielle Demokratie. Bonn : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. pp. 131-152. ISBN 3860777777
Ennals, Richard, ed. (1999) Work Life 2000 Yearbook 1: 1999. London : Springer. 230p. ISBN 185233178X
Ennals, Richard and Gustavsen, Björn (1999) Work organization and Europe as a development coalition. Amsterdam, Netherlands : John Benjamins Publishing Co. 209p. (Dialogues on work and innovation, 7) ISBN 9789027217776
Ennals, Richard (1998) Regional partnerships and development coalitions. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Business education and training for transition to a market economy in Belarus. Minsk : International Sakharov Environmental University. pp. 41-46.
Ennals, Richard (1998) Partnership for a new organisation of work and Europe as a development coalition: an interview with Allan Larsson, Director-General of DG-V, European Commission. Concepts and Transformation, 3(1-2), pp. 143-152. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Ennals, Richard (1998) Starting a new university. Concepts and Transformation, 3(1-2), pp. 163-170. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Ennals, Richard (1997) Art, artificial intelligence and wealth: dialogue with Adam Smith. AI & Society, 11(1-2), pp. 247-263. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Cox, Christopher and Ennals, Richard (1997) The language of quality: sharing meanings. AI & Society, 11(1-2), pp. 273-280. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (1997) The new organisation of work: building coalitions. AI & Society, 11(1-2), pp. 155-165. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (1995) Community networks. AXIS - Academic Computing and Information Systems, 2(2), pp. 24-31. ISSN (print) 1352-8971
Ennals, Richard (1995) Engineering, culture and competence. In: Göranzon, Bo, (ed.) Skill, technology and enlightenment: on practical philosophy. London, U.K. : Springer-Verlag. pp. 265-272. ISBN 3540199209
Ainger, Andrew, Kaura, Rukesh and Ennals, Richard (1995) Executive guide to business success through human-centred systems. London, U.K. : Springer-Verlag. 181p. ISBN 3540199292
Ennals, Richard (1995) Executive guide to preventing information technology disasters. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag. 187p. ISBN 9783540199281
Ennals, Richard (1994) FOCUS: information technology and business ethics. Business Ethics: A European Review, 3(3), pp. 165-170. ISSN (print) 0962-8770
Ennals, Richard (1994) Taking responsibility: information technology. London : Pluto Press. 44p. (Environmental agenda series) ISBN 0745309348
Ennals, Richard and Molyneux, Phil, eds. (1993) Managing with information technology. London : Springer-Verlag. 284p. ISBN 3540197958
Ennals, Richard (1992) Computers and exploratory learning in the real world. In: Cognitive Tools for Learning: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mindtools - Cognitive Technologies for Modeling Knowledge; 4-10 Jul 1990, Enschede, Netherlands. (NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences) ISBN 9783540550457
Ennals, Richard (1991) Artificial intelligence and human institutions. London, U.K. : Springer-Verlag. 181p. (The Springer series on artificial intelligence and society) ISBN 3540195793
Ennals, Richard (1989) Decoupling research from military applications. In: Hassard, John , Kibble, Tom and Lewis, Patricia, (eds.) Ways Out of the Arms Race: from Nuclear Threat to Mutal Security. London : World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. ISBN 997150863X
Cotterell, Arthur, Ennals, Richard and Briggs, Jonathan (1988) Advanced information technology in education and training. London : Edward Arnold. 118p. ISBN 034040678X
Gardin, Jean-Claude [Editor] and Ennals, Richard [Translator] (1988) Artificial intelligence and expert systems: case studies in the knowledge domain of archaeology. Chichester, U.K. : Ellis Horwood. 232p. ISBN 0745804314
Ennals, Richard (1988) Can skills be transferable? In: Göranzon, Bo and Josefson, Ingela, (eds.) Knowledge, skill and artificial intelligence. London : Springer Verlag. pp. 67-75. (Foundations and applications of artificial intelligence) ISBN 038719519X
Ennals, Richard (1988) Stjärnornas krig och forskningens etik [Star wars and research ethics]. Dialoger(7-8), pp. 36-43. ISSN (print) 0283-5207
Ennals, Richard (1987) Difficulties in managing innovation. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 18(3), pp. 194-198. ISSN (print) 0007-1013
Ennals, Richard (1987) Socially useful artificial intelligence. AI & Society, 1(1), pp. 5-15. ISSN (print) 0951-5666
Ennals, Richard (1987) Humanities and computing. In: Rahtz, Sebastian, (ed.) Information technology in the humanities: tools, techniques and applications. Chichester, U.K. : Ellis Horwood. pp. 10-19. (Computers and their applications) ISBN 074580148X
Ennals, Richard (1987) Micro-PROLOG: la lógica como lenguaje para la alfabetización informática. Madrid, Spain : Díaz de Santos. 235p. ISBN 8486251486
Ennals, Richard, Whitehead, Diane and Tipping, Nigel (1986) Building an expert system for training needs analysis. In: Knowledge Elicitation Colloquium (IEE Professional Group C4 Artificial Intelligence); 25 Mar 1986, Institution of Electrical Engineers. (Computing and Control Division Colloquia, C4 Artificial Intelligence, no. 1986/42)
Ennals, Richard (1986) New research infrastructures. In: Benson, Ian, (ed.) Intelligent machinery: theory and practice. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 150-164. ISBN 0521308364
Ennals, Richard (1986) Research perspectives and national strategies. In: Benson, Ian, (ed.) Intelligent machinery: theory and practice. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 12-30. ISBN 0521308364
Ennals, Richard (1986) Star Wars: a question of initiative. Chichester : John Wiley. 236p. ISBN 047191293X
Ennals, Richard (1986) Teaching logic as a computer language in schools. In: Van Caneghem, Michel and Warren, David H.D., (eds.) Logic Programming and Its Applications. Norwood, N.J : Ablex Publishing Corporation. pp. 129-144. (Ablex Series in Artificial Intelligence)
Ennals, Richard (1986) A way forward for advanced information technology: SHI - A Strategic Health Initiative. In: Gill, Karamjit, (ed.) Artificial intelligence for society. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp. 19-30. ISBN 0471909300
Ennals, Richard (1985) New technologies in training. Training and Development, pp. 23-24.
Ennals, Richard (1985) Artificial Intelligence: applications to logical reasoning and historical research. Chichester : Ellis Horwood. 172p. (Ellis Horwood series in computers and their applications) ISBN 0853128561
Ennals, Richard (1985) Introducing logic as a computer language into the classroom. In: Fairbrother, Roland, (ed.) Greater Manchester Primary Contact: microcomputers. 2nd ed. Manchester, U.K. : Didsbury School of Education Manchester Polytechnic. pp. 169-171. (Greater Manchester Primary Contact , no. 3, 3)
Ennals, Richard (1984) The use of computer in the study of teaching of history. Education, Telematique, Informatique(1), pp. 33-45.
Clark, Keith, Ennals, Richard and McCabe, Frank (1984) Basic concepts. In: Clark, Keith and McCabe, Frank, (eds.) Micro-PROLOG: programming in logic. London, U.K. : Prentice Hall. ISBN 013581264X
Ennals, Richard and Briggs, Jonathan (1984) Logic and programming. In: Torrance, Steve, (ed.) The mind and the machine: philosophical aspects of artificial intelligence. Chichester : Ellis Horwood Limited. pp. 133-144. (Artificial Intelligence) ISBN 0853127123
Ennals, Richard (1984) Teaching logic as a computer language in schools. In: Yazdani, Masoud, (ed.) New horizons in educational computing. Chichester : Ellis Horwood. pp. 164-177. (Ellis Horwood series in artificial intelligence) ISBN 0853126437
Ennals, Richard, Briggs, Jonathan and Brough, Derek (1984) What the naive user wants from Prolog. In: Campbell, J.A., (ed.) Implementations of Prolog. Chichester, U.K. : Ellis Horwood. pp. 376-386. (Artificial intelligence) ISBN 0853126755
Ennals, Richard (1984) The importance of PROLOG. In: Griffiths, M. and Tagg, E.D., (eds.) The role of programming in teaching informatics: IFIP Working Conference Proceedings. North-Holland Publishing Co. pp. 93-101. ISBN 9780444876645
Ennals, Richard (1983) Beginning micro-PROLOG. Chichester : Ellis Horwood. 192p. ISBN 0853125171
Ennals, Richard (1983) Making sense of the world: Prolog in primary education. In: Fairbrother, Roland, (ed.) Greater Manchester Primary Contact: microcomputers. Didsbury School of Education Manchester Polytechnic. pp. 258-259. (Greater Manchester Primary Contact, (2))
Ennals, Richard (1982) History teaching and artificial intelligence. Teaching History(33), pp. 3-5. ISSN (print) 0040-0610
Ennals, Richard (1982) Logic as a computer language for children : core materials. (Project Report) London : Imperial College of Science and Technology Department of Computing. 128 p.
Ennals, Richard (1981) Some applications of logic and programming to the teaching of history. History Teaching Review, 13(1), pp. 11-17.
Ennals, Richard (1980) Simulations and computers. Teaching History(27), pp. 13-15. ISSN (print) 0040-0610
Ennals, Richard (1979) Historical simulation. In: Sledge, Duncan, (ed.) Microcomputers in education: a selection of introductory articles. London, U.K. : Council for Educational Technology. pp. 43-44. ISBN 0861840100
Ennals, Richard (1979) Involving the student. In: Sledge, Duncan, (ed.) Microcomputers in education: a selection of introductory articles. London, U.K. : Council for Educational Technology. pp. 45-46. ISBN 0861840100