Items where Kingston Author is "Black, Jonathan"

Black, Jonathan, Martin, Brenda and Lloyd, Fran (2022) Dora Gordine's homemaking. In: Artist's Homes in Kingston : Gordine and Muybridge; 10 Jun 2022, Held online. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda (2022) Singapore, Johore and the “Exotic” 1930–1935. In: Say, Jeffrey and Yu Jin, Seng, (eds.) Intersections, Innovations, Institutions: a Reader in Singapore Modern Art. World Scientific. pp. 104-124. ISBN 9789811262128
Baring, Jo [Presenter], Turner, Sarah [Presenter], Lloyd, Fran [Interviewee], Black, Jonathan [Interviewee], Tan, Erika [Interviewee], Pilkington, Cathie [Interviewee] and Bonett, Helena [Interviewee] (2021) Dora Gordine (1885-1991). (podcast). Paul Mellon Centre, Yale University. (40 min) (Sculpting Lives, no. 2(1))
Black, Jonathan (2021) Dora Gordine (1895?-1991) und die Berlin/Deutsche Kultur = Dora Gordine (1895?-1991) and Berlin/German Culture for the Liebermann Villa, Berlin. Blog der Liebermann-Villa,
Black, Jonathan (2021) From Precisionist modernity to 'Romantic Primitive' and the deceptive rural idyll : George C. Ault and 1940's America. In: 1940's in focus : American art during the decade of transition; 03-04 June 2021, Held online. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2021) 'Russian/Exotic/Jewish' : Dora Gordine (1895?–1991), sculpture and identity in the UK 1928–1940. In: 2021 Annual Conference for art history; 14-17 Apr 2021, Birmingham, U.K. (Held online). (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2021) Martial masculinity, the female gaze and national identity in the First World War memorials of Lady Feodora Gleichen (1861-1922), Gertrude Alice Williams (1877-1934) and Lady Kathleen Scott (1878-1947) c.1919-1934. In: Pioneering women; 10 Mar 2021, Held online. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2020) A war memorial in every sense : Charles Sargeant Jagger MC and the memorial to the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1925-2020. In: Toppling statues webinar; 23 - 24 Nov 2020, Held online. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2019) Great Britain. In: Berghaus, Gunter, (ed.) Handbook of international futurism. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter. pp. 506-526. ISBN 9783110273472
Black, Jonathan and Brough, Scott, eds. (2018) Alfred Munnings : memory, the war horse and the Canadians in 1918. London, U.K. : Scott, Seely, Black & Co. 98p. ISBN 9781527226098
Black, Jonathan (2018) 'The finest and best fellows' : Alfred Munnings with the Canadians in France in 1918. In: Scott, Brough and Black, Jonathan, (eds.) Alfred Munnings : memory, the war horse and the Canadians in 1918. London, U.K. : Scott, Seely, Black & Co. pp. 1-65. ISBN 9781527226098
Black, Jonathan (2017) At the sublime edge of death. Sydney Carline (1888-1929) : fighter pilot and official war artist in Italy, 1918. In: Cremoncini, Roberta, (ed.) War in the sunshine : the British in Italy 1917-1918. London, U.K. : Estorick Foundation. pp. 18-31. ISBN 9780956786869
Black, Jonathan (2017) 'Our warrior brown brethren' : identity and difference in images of non-white soldiers serving with the British Army in British art of the First World War. In: Walsh, Michael J.K. and Varnava, Andrekos, (eds.) The Great War and the British Empire : culture and society. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 129-150. ISBN 9781472462275
Black, Jonathan (2017) Power & beauty: The art of Sir Oswald Birley. London : Philip Mould & Co. 132p. ISBN 9780992726430
Black, Jonathan (2017) Winston Churchill in British art, 1900 to the Present Day : the Titan with many faces. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 320p. ISBN 9781472592392
Black, Jonathan (2017) The daredevil and the innocent. Ernest Brooks and William Joseph Brunell in Italy 1917-1918. In: Cremoncini, Roberta, (ed.) War in the sunshine : the British in Italy 1917-1918. London. U.K. : Estorick Foundation. pp. 32-36. ISBN 9780956786869
Black, Jonathan (2017) The life and portraiture of Sir Oswald Birley MC. In: Black, Jonathan, (ed.) Power & beauty : the art of Sir Oswald Birley. London : Philip Mould & Co. ISBN 9780992726430
Black, Jonathan (2016) "Havoc from the Heavens" : the contribution of British air power to the destruction of Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish Forces in 1918 through the eyes of British war artist Lieutenant Sydney Carline RAF. In: The First World War in the Air Lunchtime Lecture Series; 12 Aug 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) Eric Kennington and William Rothenstein and the Landscape of the Western Front, 1917-1919. In: McDougall, Sarah, (ed.) William Rothenstein and his circle. London : Ben Uri Gallery and Museum. ISBN 9780900157578
Black, Jonathan (2016) 'Who are these Arabs?' : constructing an idea of the "true Arab" in Eric Kennington's portrait series for Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. In: Borders and Beyond in the Middle East Since 1914 : Legacies, Changes, Continuities; 17 - 18 Jun 2016, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) Embracing Britannia : the concept of Britishness in the public sculpture and career of Dora Gordine (1895?-1991). In: Public Monuments and Sculpture Association Annual Conference : 'Emigres Sculptors in Britain c. 1500-2016'; 26 - 27 May 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) "On the edge of two worlds" : conquerors or victims? Eric Kennington (1888-1960), national identity and the depiction of the 16th Battalion, Canadian-Scottish (Highlanders of Canada), 1919-1920. In: Crossing Borders, Crossing Boundries : 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History; 15 - 17 Apr 2016, Ottawa, Canada. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2015) Reading behind the lines : war artists, war poets, reading and letter writing, 1917-1919. In: Towheed, Shafquat and King, Edmund G. C., (eds.) Reading and the First World War : readers, texts, archives. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 171-189. (New Directions in Book History) ISBN 9781137302700
Black, Jonathan (2015) 'The human element' : The contribution of C.R.W. Nevinson and Eric Kennington to the Britain's Efforts and Ideals lithographic project of 1917. In: Dethloff, Diana , Murdoch, Tessa , Sloan, Kim and Elam, Caroline, (eds.) Burning bright : essays in honour of David Bindman. London, U.K. : UCL Press. pp. 234-242. ISBN 9781910634189
Clarke, Jay A. and Black, Jonathan (2015) Machine age modernism: prints from the Daniel Cowin collection. Williamstown, U.S. : Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. 111p. ISBN 9780300211665
Black, Jonathan (2014) Uncertain allies, formidable enemies: the image of Arabs and Turks in British war art, 1917-21. In: Not all quiet on the Ottoman fronts: neglected perspectives on a global war, 1914-1918; 08-12 Apr 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2014) “Our Warrior Brown Brethren”: identity and difference in images of non-white soldiers serving with the British Army in the First World War British Art c.1917-1921. In: The British Empire and the First World War; 19-22 Feb 2014, Singapore. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2014) "Broken warriors, tortured souls": constructions of physical and psychological trauma in British art of the First World War, c. 1916-1919. In: Benyei, Tamas and Stara, Alexandra, (eds.) The edges of trauma: explorations in visual art and literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 18-35. ISBN 9781443853422
Black, Jonathan (2014) C.R.W. Nevinson: the complete prints. Farnham, U.K. : Lund Humphries. 208p. ISBN 9781848221574
Black, Jonathan [Curator] (2014) Commemorating 'Uncle Bill' : Ivor Roberts-Jones (1913-96) and the Whitehall memorial to Field Marshal Viscount Slim of Burma, 1987-90. .
Black, Jonathan [Curator] (2014) Ivor Roberts-Jones (1913-1996) and his Public Sculpture in and around the Palace of Westminster. .
Black, Jonathan (2014) Nevinson the printmaker. In: Samuel, Gordon, (ed.) CRW Nevinson : a printmaker in war and peace. London, U.K. : Osborne Samuel. pp. 5-10. ISBN 9780957460195
Black, Jonathan (2013) Abstraction and reality: the sculpture of Ivor Roberts-Jones. Philip Wilson Publishers. 336p. ISBN 9781781300107
Black, Jonathan , Falkner, David , Fisher, Fiona , Lloyd, Fran , Preston, Rebecca and Sparke, Penny, eds. (2013) Picker House and collection: a late 1960s home for art and design. London, U.K. : Philip Wilson. 211p. ISBN 9781781300053
Black, Jonathan (2013) 'An entrepreneurial wizard': a biographical sketch of Stanley Picker. In: Black, Jonathan , Falkner, David , Fisher, Fiona , Lloyd, Fran , Preston, Rebecca and Sparke, Penny, (eds.) The Picker House and collection: a late 1960's home for art and design. London, U.K. : Philip Wilson. pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781781300053
Black, Jonathan (2012) For the people's good: Hans Schleger (1898-1976), poster design and British national identity, 1935-1960. Visual Culture in Britain, 13(2), pp. 169-190. ISSN (print) 1471-4787
Black, Jonathan, Fisher, Fiona and Sparke, Penny (2012) Leisure interiors in the work of the Camden Town Group. In: Bonett, Helena , Holt, Ysanne and Munday, Jennifer, (eds.) The Camden Town Group in context. London, U.K. : Tate.
Black, Jonathan (2012) In the Titan's shadow: the Second World War and Ivor Roberts-Jones, Oscar Nemon and Franta Belsky. In: New Perspectives on Post-War Art in Britain: Cross-Cultural Engagements; 16 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2012) The New (British) Sculpture and the struggle for realism between the wars. Sculpture Journal, 21(2), pp. 23-36. ISSN (print) 1366-2724
Black, Jonathan (2011) Ivor Roberts-Jones and Anthony Powell. In: 6th Biennial Anthony Powell Conference; 11 Sep 2011, London, U.K.. ISBN 9780954173678
Black, Jonathan (2011) The face of courage: Eric Kennington, portraiture and the Second World War. London, U.K. : Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. 168p. ISBN 9780856677052
Black, Jonathan (2011) The illusion of permanence: archaeology, imperialism and British public sculpture between the World Wars. In: Bonaventura, Paul and Jones, Andrew, (eds.) Sculpture and archeology. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 61-81. ISBN 9780754658313
Black, Jonathan (2010) 'Broken warriors, tortured souls': constructions of physical and psychological trauma in British art of the First World War, c.1916-1919. In: Exploring the Edge of Trauma; 13 - 16 May 2010, Chichester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2010) "Konig Midas war nichts dagegen" T.E. Lawrence und Eric Kennington. In: Fansa, Mamoun and Hoffmann, Detleff, (eds.) Lawrence von Arabien: Genese eines Mythos. Mainz, Germany : Philipp von Zabern. pp. 199-218. ISBN 9783805342438
Black, Jonathan (2010) 'Touching civilisation in it's tender mood': nationalism and art in the friendship between Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and Edward Wadsworth, 1914-1915. In: Walsh, Michael J.K., (ed.) London, modernism, and 1914. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 165-195. ISBN 9780521195805
Martin, Brenda [Interviewee] and Black, Jonathan [Interviewee] (2009) Dora Gordine. (radio broadcast). (8 min.)
Black, Jonathan (2009) Fathoming the British temperament: Hans Schleger and the art of poster design c.1935-45. In: MacDougall, Sarah and Dickson, Rachel, (eds.) Forced journeys: artists in exile in Britain c.1933-45. London, U.K. : Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art. pp. 74-79. ISBN 9780900157134
Lloyd, Fran and Black, Jonathan (2009) Subtlety and strength: the drawings of Dora Gordine. London, U.K. : Philip Wilson Publishers. 93p. ISBN 9780856676758
Black, Jonathan (2009) 'The past is immaterial': the enigma of Dora Gordine (1895-1991). In: Jensen, Meg and Jordan, Jane, (eds.) Life writing: the spirit of the age and the state of the art. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 152-165. ISBN 9781443805261
Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, eds. (2008) Dora Gordine: sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. 272p. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2008) Orientalism and 'exotic' sculpture in an imperial age. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 93-143. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2008) 'Pictures with a sting': the London Underground and the interwar Modernist poster. In: Bownes, David and Green, Oliver, (eds.) London transport posters: a century of art and design. Aldershot : Lund Humphries. pp. 147-165. ISBN 9780853319849
Black, Jonathan (2008) Portraiture, patronage and networking. In: Black, Jonathan and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Dora Gordine; sculptor, artist, designer. London, UK : Philip Wilson. pp. 19-71. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2008) 'An unsettling aura of inscrutability': imperialism, racial stereotyping and the construction of the 'exotic' by British women sculptors during the 1920s and 1930s. In: Brown, Karen E, (ed.) Women's contributions to visual culture, 1918-1939. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 57-77. ISBN 9780754664000
Black, Jonathan (2007) "The past is immaterial": the enigma of Dora Gordine (1895-1991). In: The spirit of the age: debating the past, present and future of life writing; 04-06 Jul 2007, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2007) Beauty, rhythm, strength: C. R. W. Nevinson as a printmaker, ca. 1916-32. In: Walsh, Michael J. K., (ed.) A dilemma of English modernism: visual and verbal politics in the life and work of C.R.W. Nevinson (1889-1946). Newark, Del., USA : Univeristy of Delaware Press. pp. 115-133. ISBN 0874139422
Martin, Brenda and Black, Jonathan (2007) Dora Gordine: sculptor, artist, designer. London : Philip Wilson Publishers. 272p. ISBN 9780856676444
Black, Jonathan (2006) A genius for the exotic: Dora Gordine, imperialism and the racial type in portraiture. In: MacDougall, Sarah and Dickson, Rachel, (eds.) Embracing the exotic: Jacob Epstein & Dora Gordine. London, UK : Papadakis Publisher. pp. 32-41. ISBN 1901092631
Black, Jonathan (2005) Edward Wadsworth: form, feeling and calculation: the complete paintings and drawings. London, UK : Philip Wilson. 208p. ISBN 0856676039
Black, Jonathan, Adams, Christopher, Walsh, Michael J. K. and Wood, Jonathan (2004) Blasting the future!: Vorticism in Britain 1910-1920. London, UK : Philip Wilson Publishers. 110p. ISBN 0856675725
Black, J.A. (2004) Ordeal and re-affirmation: masculinity and the construction of Scottish and English national identity in Great War memorial sculpture 1919-30. In: Kidd, William and Murdoch, Brian, (eds.) Memory and memorials: the commerative century. Aldershot, UK : Ashgate Publishing Ltd. pp. 75-91. (Modern economic and social history series) ISBN 0754607356
Black, J.A. (2004) 'Who dies if England live?' Masculinity, the problematics of 'Englishness' and the image of the ordinary soldier in British war art, c. 1915-28. In: Caunce, Steven , Mazierska, Ewa , Sydney-Smith, Susan and Walton, John K., (eds.) Relocating Britishness. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. pp. 148-166. (Studies in Popular Culture) ISBN 0719070260
Black, Jonathan (2004) 'The legions who have sufferered': the war memorials of Eric Kennington c.1921-1954. Sculpture Journal, 11, pp. 81-99. ISSN (print) 1366-2724
Black, Jonathan (2003) Charles Sergeant Jagger 1885-1934. In: Curtis, Penelope, (ed.) Sculpture in 20th-century Britain. Volume 2 - a guide to sculptors in the Leeds collections. Leeds, UK : Henry Moore Institute. pp. 177-178. ISBN 1900081040
Black, Jonathan (2002) The sculpture of Eric Kennington. Aldershot, UK : Lund Humphries. 112p. ISBN 0853318239