Number of items: 9.
Ruvinga, Stenford
The application of machine learning and acoustic signal processing to detecting and predicting important events in the lifecycle of honeybee colonies.
(PhD thesis), Kingston University,
Ruvinga, Stenford, Hunter, Gordon, Sanders, Heather and Kodwo Adjaloo, Michael
Applying approaches from automated processing of human speech to monitoring and predicting important events in honeybee hives using acoustic signals.
In: Acoustics 2023;
16-17 Oct 2023, Winchester, U.K..
Ruvinga, Stenford, Hunter, Gordon James Allan, Duran, Olga and Nebel, Jean-Christophe
Identifying queenlessness in honeybee hives from audio signals
using machine learning.
Electronics, 12(7),
p. 1627.
ISSN (online) 2079-9292
Ruvinga, Stenford, Hunter, Gordon, Nebel, Jean-Christophe, Duran, Olga and Busquets, Rosa
Monitoring and predicting important events in honeybee hives
using acoustic signals and machine learning.
In: UKAN+ Monitoring UK Biodiversity Symposium;
15 - 16 Jun 2022, Manchester, U.K..
Ruvinga, Stenford, Hunter, Gordon, Nebel, Jean-Christophe and Duran, Olga
Prediction of honeybee swarms using audio signals and convolutional neural networks.
In: Workshop on Edge AI for Smart Agriculture (EAISA 2022);
20-23 Jun 2022, Biarritz, France.
Ruvinga, Stenford, Hunter, Gordon J.A., Duran, Olga and Nebel, Jean-Christophe
Use of LSTM neural networks to identify 'queenlessness' in honeybee hives from audio signals.
In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Environments;
21 - 24 Jun 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (held online).
Hunter, Gordon, Davis, Mastaneh and Ruvinga, Stenford
A quantitative investigation into student progression in STEM subjects at a post-92 UK university.
In: Demographic gaps in recruitment, retention and attainment: what is really going on?;
22 August 2018, University of Sheffield, U.K..
Ruvinga, Stenford
A quantitative investigation into "attainment gaps" within the SEC undergraduate student cohorts at Kingston University.
(MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University,
Ruvinga, Stenford, Davis, Mastaneh and Hunter, Gordon
A statistical study of “attainment gaps” (and their
causes) in students’ performance in STEM subjects at a
post-1992 UK university.
In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference: Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy 2017;
29-30 Jun 2017, Edinburgh, U.K..
This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 03:26:08 2025 GMT.