Items where Kingston Author is "Hart, Mark"

Athayde, Rosemary, Hart, Mark and Wilson, Nick (2014) Flock theory: a new model for mapping innovation and entrepreneurship. In: Cambridge Business & Economics Conference (CBEC) 2014; 1-2 Jul 2014, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Athayde, Rosemary, Hart, Mark and Wilson, Nick (2014) Managing corporate entrepreneurship: organisational practices. In: 59th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2014: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability; 11-14 Jun 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
Blackburn, Robert, Kitching, John, Hart, Mark, Brush, Candida and Ceru, Dennis (2008) Growth challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises : a UK-US comparative study. (Technical Report) London, U.K. : Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. 90 p.
Hart, Mark, Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Iparraguirre D’Elia, José Luis and Kitching, John (2008) Business burden or market mechanism? Modelling the effects of regulation on small business performance in the UK. In: 11th European Network on Industrial Policy (EUNIP) International Conference; 10-12 Sep 2008, San Sebastian, Spain.
Wilson, Nick, Kitching, John and Hart, Mark (2008) "It's the evidence, stupid": doing and legitimising policy-funded research. In: 31st Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: International Entrepreneurship - promoting excellence in education, research and practice; 5-7 Nov 2008, Belfast, U.K. ISBN 9781900862080
Blackburn, Robert, Hart, Mark and Kitching, John (2008) Growth challenges for SMEs: a UK-US comparative study. In: Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar: SME Growth; 17 Jul 2008, London, U.K.
Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Athayde, Rosemary, Blackburn, Robert, Hart, Mark, Kitching, John, Smallbone, David and Wilson, Nick (2008) The impact of regulation on small business performance : report for the Enterprise Directorate of BERR. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. 138 p.
Mole, Kevin, Hart, Mark, Roper, Stephen and Saal, David (2008) Differential gains from business link support and advice: a treatment effects approach. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26(2), pp. 315-334. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Kitching, John, Hart, Mark, Wilson, Nicholas and Blackburn, Robert (2008) Does regulation promote small business performance? A critical realist informed approach. In: 31st Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: International Entrepreneurship - promoting excellence in education, research and practice; 5-7 Nov 2008, Belfast, U.K. ISBN 9781900862080
Mole, Kevin, Hart, Mark, Roper, Stephen and Saal, David (2008) Who benefits most from Business Link assistance? In: ISBE 2006; 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2008, Cardiff, Wales. (Unpublished)
Hart, Mark (2007) Evaluating EU regional policy: how might we understand the causal connections between interventions and outcomes more effectively? Policy Studies, 28(4), pp. 295-308. ISSN (print) 0144-2872
Lenihan, Helena, Hart, Mark and Roper, Stephen (2007) Industrial policy evaluation: theoretical foundations and empirical innovations: new wine in new bottles. International Review of Applied Economics, 21(3), pp. 313-319. ISSN (print) 0269-2171
Blackburn, Robert, Smallbone, David, Hart, Mark, Eadson, William and Athayde, Rosemary (2007) Mainstreaming business support targeted at disadvantaged communities. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 79 p.
Anyadike-Danes, Michael and Hart, Mark (2006) The impact of sector, specialisation, and space on business birth rates in the United Kingdom: a challenge for policy? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24(6), pp. 815-826. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Hart, Mark and Lenihan, Helena (2006) Estimating additionality and leverage: the interplay between public and private sector equity finance in Ireland (2000-2002). Venture Capital, 8(4), pp. 331-351. ISSN (print) 1369-1066
Lenihan, Helena and Hart, Mark (2006) Evaluating the additionality of public sector assistance to Irish firms: a question of ownership? Policy Studies, 27(2), pp. 115-133. ISSN (print) 0144-2872
Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Hart, Mark and O'Reilly, Maureen (2005) Watch that space! The county hierarchy in firm births and deaths in the UK, 1980-1999. Small Business Economics, 25(3), pp. 273-292. ISSN (print) 0921-898X
Blackburn, Robert and Hart, Mark (2005) Understanding business performance: exploring the relative contribution of context, strategy and owner managers' characteristics. In: 50th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2005; 15 - 18 Jun 2005, Washington D.C., U.S.. (Unpublished)
Blackburn, Robert and Hart, Mark (2005) Burden of employment regulation in small firms: hyperbole or reality? In: Gray, Colin and Bannock, Graham, (eds.) Government regulation and the small firm. Milton Keynes, UK : Open University Business School. pp. 53-58. (ISBE Policy Report 2005) ISBN 9780955162602
McGuinness, Seamus and Hart, Mark (2004) Mixing the grant cocktail: towards an understanding of the outcomes of financial support to small firms. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22(6), pp. 841-857. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Hart, Mark and Blackburn, Robert (2004) Labour regulation and SMEs: a challenge to competitiveness and employability? In: Marlow, Susan , Patton, Dean and Ram, Monder, (eds.) Managing labour in small firms. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 133-158. (Routledge Studies in Small Business) ISBN 041531285X
Lenihan, H. and Hart, M. (2004) The use of counterfactual scenarios as a means to assess policy deadweight: an Irish case study. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22(6), pp. 817-839. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Hart, Mark and McGuinness, Seamus (2003) Small firm growth in the UK regions 1994-1997: towards an explanatory framework. Regional Studies, 37(2), pp. 109-122. ISSN (print) 0034-3404
Blackburn, Robert and Hart, Mark (2003) Employment rights in small firms: some new evidence, explanations and implications. Industrial Law Journal, 32(1), pp. 60-67. ISSN (print) 0305-9332
Athayde, Rosemary, Blackburn, Robert, Hart, Mark and Kitching, John (2003) Working families' tax credit and disabled person's tax credit: the views, attitudes and experiences of employers. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, UK : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 84 p. ISBN 1904983014
Blackburn, Robert and Hart, Mark (2001) Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is blight? Employment rights and small firms. In: 24th ISBA National Small Firms Policy & Research Conference: Exploring the Frontiers of Small Business; 14 - 16 Nov 2001, Hinckley, U.K.. ISBN 190086245X
White, Lynda, Hart, Mark and Harvey, Stephen (2000) Towards internal cohesion? The role of local government in economic development under the EU Single Programme in Northern Ireland. Local Economy, 14(4), pp. 357-369. ISSN (print) 0269-0942
Borooah, Vani K. and Hart, Mark (1999) Factors affecting self-employment among Indian and Black Caribbean men in Britain. Small Business Economics, 13(2), pp. 111-129. ISSN (print) 0921-898X
Graham, Brian and Hart, Mark (1999) Cohesion and diversity in the European Union: irreconcilable forces? Regional Studies, 33(3), pp. 259-268. ISSN (print) 0034-3404
Hart, M and Gudgin, G (1999) Small-firm growth and public policy in Northern Ireland: making the difference? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 17(5), pp. 511-525. ISSN (print) 0263-774X