Items where Kingston Author is "Cope, James"

Cope, James S (2014) Computational methods for the classification of plants. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Tsifouti, Anastasia, Nasralla, Moustafa M., Razaak, Manzoor, Cope, James, Orwell, James M., Martini, Maria G and Sage, Kingsley (2012) A methodology to evaluate the effect of video compression on the performance of analytics systems. In: Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence; 24 - 27 Sept 2012, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Proceedings of SPIE, no. 8546) ISBN 9780819492876
Cope, James, Corney, David, Clark, Jonathan, Remagnino, Paolo and wilkin, Paul (2012) Plant species identification using digital morphometrics : a review. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), pp. 7562-7573. ISSN (print) 0957-4174
Beghin, Thibaut, Cope, James, Remagnino, Paolo and Barman, Sarah (2010) Shape and texture based plant leaf classification. In: Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Visual Systems; 13 - 16 Dec 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Cope, James S., Remagnino, Paolo, Barman, Sarah and Wilkin, Paul (2010) The extraction of venation from leaf images by evolved vein classifiers and ant colony algorithms. In: Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Visual Systems; 13-16 Dec 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Cope, James S., Remagnino, Paolo, Barman, Sarah and Wilkin, Paul (2010) Plant texture classification using Gabor co-occurrences. In: Bebis, George , Boyle, Richard , Parvin, Bahram , Koracin, Darko , Chung, Ronald , Hammound, Riad , Hussain, Muhammad , Kar-Han, Tan , Crawfis, Roger , Thalmann, Daniel , Kao, David and Avila, Lisa, (eds.) Advances in Visual Computing. Springer. pp. 699-677. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (6454)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783642172731