Novel intervention to promote COVID-19 protective behaviours among Black and South Asian communities in the UK : protocol for a mixed-methods pilot evaluation

Forbes, Lindsay, Armes, Jo, Shafi, Shuja, Mohamed, Amran, Mustafa, Reham, Dar, Osman, Vandrevala, Tushna, Amlôt, Richard, Hayward, Andrew, Asaria, Miqdad, Pirani, Tasneem, Weston, Dale, Shah, Sunayana, Zumla, Alimuddin and Ala, Aftab (2023) Novel intervention to promote COVID-19 protective behaviours among Black and South Asian communities in the UK : protocol for a mixed-methods pilot evaluation. BMJ Open, 13(4), e061207. ISSN (online) 2044-6055

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